Target Group Requirements & Constraints

The Target Group requirements and constraints are as follows:

  • A Target Group can be created using the following file formats:

    TG Creation MethodSupported Formats
    File upload.txt, .csv
    SFTP.txt, .csv, zip, .gpg, .pgp
  • Headers in a .txt Target Group file must be separated by the 'pipe' character.

  • The following message destination headers must be named exactly as follows (i.e. Capitalized): MSISDN, EMAIL, APPDEVICEID, CUSTOMERID (as configured for the specific tenant).

  • A Target Group file name length cannot exceed more than 100 characters and a target group name can contain alphabets, numbers, and underscore(_) only.

  • Each Target Group record may have a maximum of 400 headers.

  • Each Target Group record may have a maximum of 9 encrypted headers.

  • Each Target Group record may have a maximum of 8,000 characters (approx. 8KB).

  • A Target Group file uploaded via SFTP must be under 2 GB.

  • A Target Group file uploaded from your PC via the web UI must be under 500 MB. If the file size is more than 500 MB, we recommend you to split the file into smaller parts.

  • The maximum record length is limited to 8KB.

  • The maximum field values for 3 headers is 256 chars. That means up to 3 headers values can be up to 256 chars and rest of the headers values can be on an average of 30 chars. But overall record size cannot be more than 8KB.

  • For Event API's maximum event parameters are limited to 400.

  • Each event payload cannot be more than 24KB.

  • When using Target Group split for recurring campaigns, the Target Group splitter splits the file and creates multiple Target Groups, however, you should provide the HEADERS in the input file as that of the first deployment. If there are headers with different case upper/lower case then the deployment may not get deployed.

  • The supported encrypted file extensions are .GPG or .PGP.

  • The supported compressed file extension is Zip. A password-protected zip file is also supported.

    • The original file (before being zipped) must be either a pipe-delimited .txt file or a .csv file.
    • The zipped file itself should contain a single file, i.e. it should not contain multiple files zipped together.
    • The zipped file should not contain a file inside a folder.
    • The password of the zip-compressed file must not contain any characters apart from the following: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, @, #, $.
  • Files can either be encrypted or zip-compressed. Files which are both encrypted and zip-compressed are not supported.

  • The following types of files are not supported:

    • .zip.gpg
    • dat.gpg
    • gzip
  • The Instant deployments whose events are triggered by a ‘file-drop’ do not support encrypted or zip-compressed files. i.e. the files used for ‘file-drop’ - triggered instant deployments must be in .txt or .csv format only.