Email Deployment Summary

Campaign NameThe name provided for the campaign during its creation.
Deployment NameThe name provided for the deployment during its creation.
VariantThe variant information incase of A/B deployment
Email Subject Line:The subject line provided for the Email deployment.
Type:The content type configured for the deployment such as Message or API.
Total Contact Size:The initial contact size for the deployment before applying any conditions such as exclusions.
DND SuppressionsThe absolute count of DND suppressions applied on the total contact size.
% DND SuppressionsThe percentage of DND suppressions applied on the total contact size.
InvalidThe absolute number of invalid contacts of the deployment
% InvalidThe percentage of invalid contacts of the deployment
DuplicatesThe absolute number of duplicate contacts for the deployment
% DuplicatesThe percentage of duplicate contacts for the deployment
Rule Based SuppressionsThe suppressions applied based on the configured rule
% Rule Based SuppressionsThe percentage of suppressions applied based on the configured rule
Final Contact SizeThe final contact size for the deployment after applying any conditions such as exclusions.
% Final Contact SizeThe percentage of final contact size for the deployment after applying any conditions such as exclusions.
LimitThe number of contacts limited for the deployment
Control GroupThe number of contacts to test the deployment
To Push:The absolute number of contacts to be send for the deployment.
%To Push:The percentage of contacts to be send for the deployment.
Total Processed during other dates:The number of contacts processed during other dates.
%Total Processed during other dates:The percentage number of contacts processed during other dates.