Email Deployment Summary
Metric | Description |
Campaign Name | The name provided for the campaign during its creation. |
Deployment Name | The name provided for the deployment during its creation. |
Variant | The variant information incase of A/B deployment |
Email Subject Line: | The subject line provided for the Email deployment. |
Type: | The content type configured for the deployment such as Message or API. |
Total Contact Size: | The initial contact size for the deployment before applying any conditions such as exclusions. |
DND Suppressions | The absolute count of DND suppressions applied on the total contact size. |
% DND Suppressions | The percentage of DND suppressions applied on the total contact size. |
Invalid | The absolute number of invalid contacts of the deployment |
% Invalid | The percentage of invalid contacts of the deployment |
Duplicates | The absolute number of duplicate contacts for the deployment |
% Duplicates | The percentage of duplicate contacts for the deployment |
Rule Based Suppressions | The suppressions applied based on the configured rule |
% Rule Based Suppressions | The percentage of suppressions applied based on the configured rule |
Final Contact Size | The final contact size for the deployment after applying any conditions such as exclusions. |
% Final Contact Size | The percentage of final contact size for the deployment after applying any conditions such as exclusions. |
Limit | The number of contacts limited for the deployment |
Control Group | The number of contacts to test the deployment |
To Push: | The absolute number of contacts to be send for the deployment. |
%To Push: | The percentage of contacts to be send for the deployment. |
Total Processed during other dates: | The number of contacts processed during other dates. |
%Total Processed during other dates: | The percentage number of contacts processed during other dates. |
Updated about 1 month ago