JUMP TOwebexcampaign EndpointOverviewAPIs hosted within Webex CampaignAPIs hosted on Webex CPaas API hubSupported TLS Protocols and CiphersAccessing APIsAccessing APIs hosted within Webex CampaignAccessing APIs hosted on the API HubKnow Your API EndpointsPostman CollectionAPI SecurityGet user list APIgetRegularly Refreshed Short-Lived Tokens (Deprecated)Campaign Management APIsEvent-triggered instant deployment APIpostGet SMS deployment content APIgetUpdate voice deployment transaction status APIpatchUpdate SMS short link click transaction APIpostNotify transaction state APIpostOpt-out APIsAdd to opt-out list APIpostRemove from opt-out list APIpostGet opt-out categories APIgetWebex Cpaas API hub APISEmail Message Template APIsCreate email message template APIpostGet email message templates list created using API - BetagetGet email message template content APIgetUpdate HTML content of an existing email message template APIputUpdate text content of an existing email message template APIputSMS Message Template APIsCreate SMS Message TemplatepostGet SMS message templates list created using API - BetagetUpdate SMS Message TemplateputDelete SMS message template APIdeleteCalendar APIsGet All Calendars APIgetCreate Calendar APIpostDelete Calendar APIdeleteCalendar API Timezone Country CodesCampaign APIsGet Campaigns APIgetCreate Campaign APIpostDelete Campaigns APIdeleteUpdate Campaign APIputP&L APIsGet P and Ls APIgetCreate P and Ls APIpostUpdate P and Ls APIputDelete P and Ls APIdeleteTarget Group APIsGet Target Groups APIgetDelete Target Group APIdeleteCreate Target Group APIpostPurpose APIsGet Purposes APIgetCreate Purposes APIpostUpdate Purposes APIputDelete Purposes APIdeleteDeployment APIsCreate SMS Deployment APIpostGet SMS Deployment APIgetDelete Deployment APIdeleteUpdate SMS Deployment APIputUpdate Deployment Milestone APIputProfile Management / Data Management APIsProfile Management / Data Management APIsGet profile attributes APIgetGet contact profile APIpostDelete contact profile APIpostCreate / Update contact profile APIpostBulk Create / Update contact profiles APIpostGet profile query status APIgetData management APIsAdd contacts to datastore APIpostGet datastore attributes APIgetClient Specific APIs (Additional Charges Apply)Get last n transactions APIgetSmart Links Assets APIs (BETA)Create Smart Link Asset API (Beta)postDelete Smart Link Asset API (Beta)deleteGet Smart Link Asset API (Beta)getUpdate Smart Link Asset API (Beta)putSmart Links APIs (beta)Create Smart Link API (Beta)postDelete Smart Link API (Beta)deleteGet Smart Link API (Beta)getUpdate Smart Link API (Beta)putCreate Bulk Smart Links API (Beta)postPowered by OverviewWebex Campaign provides APIs hosted within Webex Campaign and hosted on Webex CPaaS API hub. APIs hosted within Webex Campaign APIs hosted on Webex CPaas API hub