Amend some entities of Recurring Deployment after activation
You can edit certain entities of a Recurring Deployment for SMS, MMS, and EMAIL channels under the following scenarios:
- When a Recurring Deployment status changes from Pending to Paused
- When a Recurring Deployment status changes from Pending Approval to Rejected.
- When TG Source is Profile Data (i.e. this will be currently available only to clients who have licensed Webex Campaign’s Profile Manager module).
The following table summarizes the changes you can make to the entities after a Recurring Deployment is activated.
Entities | Can amend after a Recurring Deployment is activated by before the TG preparation for Run #1 has begun? | Can amend in-between Recurring Run instances? | Can amend by pausing a Recurring Deployment whilst a Run Instance is ongoing? |
Exclusion | Yes | Yes | No |
Rule Based Suppressions | Yes | Yes | No |
Control Group | Yes | Yes | No |
Contact Frequency Rules | Yes | Yes | No |
Remove Duplicates | Yes | Yes | No |
Limit No. of Contacts | Yes | Yes | No |
Seed List | Yes | Yes | No |
After the Target Group is prepared for a particular Run Instance, then any of the above amendments made to a Recurring Deployment will be applicable for the next Run Instance,
For example, if the TG is already prepared for Run Instance # 5, and the user now pauses and amends one of the above WHO tab options, then those changes will be applicable from Run Instance # 6 onwards.
Replace the Target Group in between Run Instances
You can replace Target Groups in-between Run Instances for Recurring Deployments for SMS, MMS, and EMAIL channels under the following scenarios:
Whilst a Recurring Deployment has completed a Run Instance and is awaiting Target Group preparation for the next Run Instance, you can replace the Target Group (after pausing the deployment) by selecting another Target Group from the ‘Existing TG’ node.
- When Target Group source is ‘Profile Data’ (i.e. this will be currently available only to clients who have licensed Webex Campaign’s ‘Profile Manager’ module).
- When Target Group Type is ‘Dynamic’
Usage Notes:
On the deployment canvas you will only be able to replace the old TG with an already created TG from the ‘Target Group List’ page (Campaign Management >> Target Group >> Target Group List )
You will need to ensure that the headers of the new Target Group exactly match with those of the original Target Group.
Allow a ‘delayed start’ for Run # 1 for a Recurring Deployment:
This feature is best explained by using the following example scenarios.
Scenario 1:
Let’s say you want to set up a Recurring Deployment with the schedule of [9 am-to-5 pm for Mon-to-Fri]. However, you forgot to set it up before Monday 9 am and remembered about this task at 10 am on Monday.
For the above case, you would have to set up the Recurring Deployment schedule as [10:15 am-to-5 pm for Mon-to-Fri]. After the Run Instance # 1 is completed, the Deployment Status will change from ‘Running’ to ‘Pending’. At this point, you would have to pause the Deployment, amend the schedule to [9 am-to-5 pm] and then resume the Deployment.
You can configure Recurring Deployments starting on the same day and select a start time earlier than the time when the deployment is being set up. This will reduce the effort and hassle of pausing, modifying the start time, and then resuming the deployment after the Run Instance # 1.
In the above example, when setting up the deployment at 10 am on Monday, you will be able to configure the desired schedule of [9 am-to-5 pm for Mon-to-Fri]. As soon as you activate the deployment, the TG preparation for Run Instance #1 will begin. Assuming this TG preparation takes 45 mins, the messages will begin to be sent out to the TG contacts at around 10:45 am.
Scenario 2:
Let’s now consider a slightly different scenario where you remembered to set up this Recurring Deployment at 4:15 pm on Monday (within 60 mins of the schedule end time for that day).
In this case, Webex Campaign does not have sufficient time before 5 pm to prepare the Target group and complete the Run Instance #1. So, if you still want the Run Instance#1 to be sent out on Monday, then you will need to set up a different schedule to accommodate the TG preparation for the Run instance #1, say 9 am-to-6 pm for Mon-to-Fri. After the Run Instance#1 is completed, you will need to pause the deployment and modify the schedule back to your desired schedule of 9 am-to-5 pm for Mon-to-Fri.
Updated about 1 month ago