A/B+ Summary

Campaign NameThe name provided for the campaign during its creation.
Ref IDThe reference ID that was provided for the campaign during its creation.
A/B Deployment NameThe name provided for the deployment during its creation.
StatusThe status of the winner.
P&LThe P&L that was configured for the deployment.
PurposeThe purpose that was configured for the deployment.
DepCodeThe deployment code that was configured during the deployment creation.
OccurrenceThe deployment occurrence information such as OneTime or Recurring.
Content TypeThe content type configured for the deployment such as Message or API.
Initial Contact SizeThe initial contact size for the deployment before applying any conditions such as exclusions.
Final Contact SizeThe final contact size for the deployment after applying any conditions such as exclusions.
Test BaseThe number of contacts to test the deployment
Winner BaseThe contacts of the winner base for the deployment. The value may be in percentage or absolute value.
# VariantsThe number of variants selected for the deployment
ChannelThe channel selected for the deployment
Test CriteriaThe test evaluation criteria that is selected for the deployment.
Result Evaluation CriteriaThe result evaluation criteria that is selected for the deployment
Winner VariantThe winner variant for the deployment
Result Calculation TimeThe time at which the result was calculated.
Total Test WindowThe duration of the test for the deployment.
ExtendedThe status of the deployment whether it is extended
DifferenceThe difference by which the winner was selected
CommentsThe comments added to the deployment.