Create Email tests for Multiple Conditional Variants
This feature is available for all tenants for Promotions. But for Follow Up deployments this is a tenant-level setting. Please check with your account manager to use this feature for Follow Up deployments.
This feature supports a maximum of 14 TGs . The Step2 button will be disabled if there are more than 14 TGs,
- The email template to be used should have both HTML and Text content.
- This feature is currently only applicable for deployments that have:
- Target Group Type = Static and
- Target Group Sources = File Upload
- This feature will be displayed when Preview & Test option is clicked for a drafted deployment.
In case of paused deployments, you can pause your conditional deployments and amend the content, but it is not possible to update the Target Groups or use the 'Prepare TG' feature.
For the Email channel, you can generate all the unique variations of all the Target Groups associated with a deployment that contains an email containing conditional content and send them as tests to your selected test contacts.
If your email has conditional content logic, you will see the new ‘Conditional Variants’ section on the Preview screen when the deployment is in the ‘Draft’ state.
The benefit of this feature is to accelerate testing and approvals for emails containing conditional content.
For a Recurring Deployment with a Dynamic Target Group, you can use a sample TG file to Draft a test version of the OneTime deployment and generate the test variants.
- Click on the Generate Unique Conditional Combinations from the TG
Step 1: Generate Unique Conditional Combinations from the TG
On clicking the 1st button ‘Generate Unique Conditional Combinations from the TG’, a confirmation popup appears. Click Confirm.

Webex Campaign will parse through the email conditional logic as well as the entire TG and generate unique combinations at the backend. This process is expected to take 15-20 mins. Once completed, Webex Campaign will send the following email notification to inform the deployment creator that Step1 is completed.
At this point, you can refresh the preview screen, and the step2 Generate Test Emails for Multiple Segment Codes button will be enabled.
Step 2: Generate Test Emails for Multiple Segment Codes
On clicking the 2nd button Generate Test Emails for Multiple Segment Codes, a pop-up will appear.
a) You can now select the TG header around which you wish to generate your conditional variants. This dropdown will only display TG headers which are:
- Used within the IF / ELSE conditional logic statements
- Designated as ‘Dynamic Reporting Headers’ for your specific tenant configuration
- Not encrypted for your tenant configuration (e.g. email address itself is always encrypted, so it will not be shown. If you have other headers encrypted like first-name, physical address, etc, then those will not be available in this dropdown)
b) In the next field, you can select all the values of the selected header for which you would like to generate the tests. If your selected header has blank values for some of the contacts in the TG, you will see an option to select ‘BLANK_VALUE’. This will select all unique combinations for which the selected header has blank values.
c) You will also be asked to select a ‘personalization header’. This header value will be replaced in the test TG file for all contacts - with a combination of this selected ‘personalization header’ name and a sequence number, e.g. if you select SURNAME as your personalization header, then in the auto-generated test TG file, all SURNAME values will be replaced with SURNAME1, SURNAME2,... SURNAME17 etc. This replaced value will also be added as a prefix in the email subject line of the test emails received by the test contacts (as shown in the screenshot below). This will help you identify which test email matches with which row in the test TG file.
d) Select how the Test Emails should be verified. You can select one of the following options:
- Send Test Emails: Select this option to send test emails.
- Generate PDF copies of Test Emails: Select this option to download the PDF copies of test emails. This is a tenant specific feature. If this feature is not enabled for your tenant, then this option will be disabled. To use this feature, please check with your account manager.
e) You will then be asked to select your Test Contacts to whom the test emails should be sent. All the Test Contacts will receive all the unique combinations, e.g. if you select 2 Test Contacts and there are 9 unique combinations, then a total of 18 emails will be sent.
f) Select the Router and click Send.

After all the test emails have been sent, you will receive an email notification from Webex Campaign stating that Step2 is completed. The email will also show the total count of unique combinations selected in the Test TG as well as the Total count of test emails sent.
At this point, the Step3 button will be enabled on the Preview screen.
Step 3: Download the Test TG File
On clicking the 3rd button Download the Test TG file, you will be able to download the test TG and manually send it to all the selected test recipients – so that the test contacts will then be able to compare the actual test emails received by them against the header values in the test TG file.
- This test TG file is a subset of the actual TG file and will contain all the unique combinations identified by Webex Campaign from the actual TG, e.g. if the test TG file contains 17 unique combinations (17 rows of data), that means each test recipient will have received 17 test emails.
- In this test TG, any header values which have been designated as ‘to be encrypted’ for that TG (e.g. MSISN, EMAIL ) will be encrypted as per privacy and regulatory requirements. This downloaded file is expected to be sent across to test recipients who may be external stakeholders such as 3rd party creative agencies etc. That’s why in order to improve PII data protection, we have decided not to make the encrypted headers available in decrypted format in this file – even if the user has permission to view the encrypted data as clear text in other contexts within Webex Campaign.
- This test TG file will also have the personalization header replaced with a unique sequential value (SURNAME1, SURNAME2, …, SURNAME14, etc).
- This personalization header value will be used as a prefix in the subject lines of the emails received by test recipients, e.g. as shown in the screenshot below, the test contact has received this email with a subject line beginning with SURNAME14. So, this test email will have conditional content which matches with data row with the SURNAME14 value in the downloaded Test TG file.
Step4: Download PDF Copies of Test Emails
This button is a tenant-specific feature. If this feature is enabled for your tenant, then the PDF copies can be downloaded. If this feature is not enabled, then this button will not be hidden for your tenant.
You can choose either to Send Test Emails or Generate PDF Copies of Test Emails. Select an option based on your requirement.

Updated about 1 month ago