Password Policy

If you are not using LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) to access Webex Campaign, the following are applicable while creating/resetting a password.

  • A password must be at least 12 characters long..

  • A password should contain at least one upper case letter (A,B,C,...)

  • A password should contain at least one number (0,1,2...)

  • A Password should contain at least one special character ($@!%*#?&()+,-./:;<>=)

  • New password should be different from the last 2 passwords

  • New password should not be same as password from last 6 months

  • Users need to reset their password every 2 months

  • A password should not contain your user name or email details.

  • Users are sent an email reminder to reset their password 7 days before password expiry.

  • Users are sent a second email reminder to reset their password 1 day before password expiry.

  • If you are resetting a password, it must be different from last "6" passwords and should not have been used in the last "6" months.