General Limitations
Top right corner menu options
The menu option Profileis not available from the 'Dashboard' and 'Reports' screens. You need to navigate to one of the other pages (example, Campaign List screen) to access the above options.
Maximum number of deployments
The maximum number of deployments that can be sent from a tenant is 9999.
Simultaneous deployments
The maximum number of simultaneous deployments that can be deployed for a tenant are 200.
A/B deployments
For A/B deployments, a maximum of 6 test variants are supported.
Campaign Name
The length of the campaign name is limited to 64 characters long. A campaign name can have a combination of alphabets and numbers. A campaign name should not contain special characters except an underscore (_). For example, First_campaign2021. A campaign name can also contain multiple underscores. For example, My_First_Campaign_2021.
Deployment Name
The length of the deployment name is limited to 64 characters long. A deployment name can have a combination of alphabets and numbers. A deployment name should not contain special characters except an underscore (_). For example, First_deployment2021. A deployment name can also contain multiple underscores. For example, My_First_Deployment_2021.
Data Visualization
A header with more than 100 unique values of a Target Group or a Segment cannot be visualized.
The length of the file name for the SFTP file transfers is limited to 128 characters long.
Excel / CSV Reports
The Excel / CSV reports sent by Webex Campaign may not open on a Mac (depending on the specific Mac setup of a user).
Event API
The maximum number of Event API requests per second can be increased up to 1000 per tenant with new additional hardware. However, by default, the value is set at 10 TPS/sec.
SMS MO Processing
The maximum number of MO processed per second is limited to 300.
Inbound SMS MO Length
The max allowed length of inbound SMS MOs is 128 characters.
Sender ID
Webex Campaign does not allow a user to add the same Sender ID into different User Groups.
The maximum length of a Longcode (Number) is limited to 8 characters and the length of the Shortcode (Character) is limited to 11 characters.
Deployment Template
A deployment template can only be created before it is Activated or it is in Draft state. Once the deployment is completed, it cannot be made as a template.
Short Links Generation Capacity
The maximum of 3000 short links can be generated per second. It also depends on the hardware allotted for the tenant. A maximum of 1000 clicks can be handled per second.
Follow Up Deployment
A Follow-Up deployment can be scheduled on the last 90 days data only. You cannot create a Follow Up on data that is more than 90 days.
Customer Care
As per the data retention policy, the customer care screen allows you to view the last 90 days data that is sent to a customer. The data older than 90 days will be discarded or archived.
A preview of the message sent to a customer only during the last 30 days is available.
API Auth Key Validity
The auth key generated using the Get Access Token API is valid for 60 minutes.
Dynamic Reporting Headers
To generate reports based on dynamic headers, you should send a request to the Webex Campaign support team to enable the required header. Make sure that the header should not have more than 120 unique values across all campaigns (Tenant level). If it has more than 120 unique values, the deployment may get stopped.
Target Group
The limitations of Target Group are as follows:
- A Target Group created using a file upload process supports .txt and **.csv** file formats. Other file formats are not supported.
- Headers in a .txt Target Group file must be separated by the 'pipe' character.
- The following message destination headers must be named exactly as follows (i.e. Capatilized): MSISDN, EMAIL, APPDEVICEID, CUSTOMERID (as configured for the specific tenant).
- A Target Group file name length cannot exceed more than 100 characters and a target group name can contain alphabets, numbers, and underscore(_) only.
- Each Target Group record may have a maximum of 400 headers.
- Each Target Group record may have a maximum of 9 encrypted headers.
- Each Target Group record may have a maximum of 8,000 characters (approx. 8KB).
- A Target Group file uploaded via SFTP must be under 2 GB.
- A Target Group file uploaded from your PC via the web UI must be under 500 MB. If the file size is more than 500 MB, we recommend you split the file into smaller parts.
- The maximum record length is limited to 8KB.
- The maximum field value for 3 headers is 256 chars. That means up to 3 headers, values can be up to 256 chars and the rest of the headers values can be on an average of 30 chars. But overall record size cannot be more than 8KB.
- For Event API's maximum event parameters are limited to 400.
- Each event payload cannot be more than 24KB.
- When using Target Group split for recurring deployments, the Target Group splitter splits the file and creates multiple Target Groups, however, you should provide the HEADERS in the input file as that of the first deployment. If there are headers with different case upper/lower case then the deployment may not get deployed.
Target Group Split
Important considerations for TG Split configuration for One Time and Recurring deployment when the TG file not available in the SFTP location:
The sleep interval between each iteration of collecting the configuration is 30 seconds.
Irrespective of the scheduled type, the application will retry connecting to the SFTP 10 times (this is a configurable parameter). For every retry, an email notification is sent to the user.
After the maximum configured retries are reached:
◘ One Time: Configuration will be inactivated
◘ Recurring: If the next schedule is available, it will look up at that time. Otherwise, the configuration will be in-activated”.
Updated 6 months ago