How to setup channel-level unsubscribe management for email
Webex Campaign allows users to manage opt-out lists separately for the supported channels. Webex Campaign can generate unsubscribe links for the email channel which, once clicked by recipients, will redirect them to an unsubscribe confirmation page, where upon confirmation, they will be added to the Email Channel opt-out list. This opt-out list was created by default when your tenant was created.
This article will guide you through setting the rest of this process up end-to-end.
Step 1 - Create a channel level opt-out page
There are 2 options here.
- Default Pages:Webex Campaign provides generic opt-out pages out of the box (screenshots below). If you want to use these pages, no further action is needed to use these in your deployments.
The default unsubscribe landing page mentions that "Your request can take up could take up to 14 days to take effect". However, the email is actually added to the category-level opt-out list immediately after the email recipient clicks on the link within the email. The wording on the default landing page deliberately gives some leeway to you in case you have an already live running deployment which may have the email recipient in its target group.
- Custom Pages: If you want to apply your own branding and wording to these unsubscribe pages, you can design your own unsubscribe Landing Page using the drag-&-drop Landing Page composer or HTML editor.
- Your custom unsubscribe page should have a confirmation button, where recipients will confirm their unsubscribe request. This button should be configured to have the following URL structure, where you'll need to replace the Domain URL, param based on your details:
- You should also configure a confirmation page, which customers will be redirected to after clicking the aforementioned confirmation button, confirming they are successfully unsubscribed.
- You should also configure an error page, which customers will be redirected to after clicking the aforementioned confirmation button, if there is an error unsubscribing them.
- Your custom unsubscribe page should have a confirmation button, where recipients will confirm their unsubscribe request. This button should be configured to have the following URL structure, where you'll need to replace the Domain URL, param based on your details:
At present, Webex Campaign only supports a single common landing page for 'confirmation' and 'error' pages. Therefore, you will need to use generic wording on these landing pages without referring to a specific channel or opt-out category.
As such, if you have already configured your 'confirmation' and 'error' pages for category-level unsubscribes, you won't need to set up new ones for the email channel as a whole, or each new category.
- Request the Webex CPaaS Tech Support team to enable those custom unsubscribe landing pages instead of these default unsubscribe landing pages.
Please include the name of your 3 pages in the request and that these should be configured as the "Email channel unsubscribe pages".
Please allow approximately 1 week for this process
Step 2 - Add the channel-level unsubscribe link to your email content
Navigate to your template in either Email Composer, HTML editor or the email content in your email node in the deployment builder.
Find where you want to insert the channel-level unsubscribe link in the HTML code or editor.
If adding to a template in Email Composer, select the text/button and enter the replacement parameter $(EMAILCHANNELUNSUBLINK)$. This will already be set if you are using the default footer block, which contains a pre-configured unsubscribe link.
If adding to a template in the HTML editor in Message Template, add the replacement parameter $(EMAILCHANNELUNSUBLINK)$ as the URL href.
If adding directly to your email content in the Email node during deployment creation, find the Search/Select landing page links drop-down and select the EMAIL CHANNEL UNSUBLINK option. Clicking this link will add the following HTML snippet to wherever you have clicked within the HTML, which you can edit to your requirements:
<a href="$(EMAILCHANNELUNSUBLINK)$">Unsubscribe me from all email communications</a>
Save your content.
Updated 3 months ago