General FAQs
How do I contact Webex Campaign?
To contact Webex Campaign, please contact your account manager. Our 24/7 Operations team will be available should you need to contact someone:
Europe / Middle East / Africa:
- Phone: +44 (0) 1494 750 600
- Email: [email protected]
North America:
- Phone: +1-855-324-0970
- Email: [email protected]
Supported Browsers for Webex Campaign
Following is the list of Webex Campaign supported browsers and their respective versions.
Webex Campaign will not provide support for issues that you encounter using the browsers that are not listed below.
- Google Chrome: Version 80.0x and above
- Microsoft Edge: Version 92.0.x and above
- Mozilla Firefox: Version 93.0x and above
Webex Campaign may also work on the latest versions of other browsers like Microsoft Internet Explorer, Opera, and Apple's Safari. However, we cannot guarantee that all features will work as expected when compared with the recommended browsers list.
Can I rename a user? If yes, how?
You can rename a user from the user list screen.
- Navigate to the Administration » User management » User list screen.
- Click on the user email to edit. The user information is displayed in editable mode.
- Make necessary changes and click Update.
Make sure you have appropriate permissions to edit a user. You cannot change or update a users Email ID once created.
What is Webex Campaign's data retention policy?
The default data retention policy is as follows:-
- Campaign Transaction records are stored for a period of 90 days by default.
- Campaign Summary reports are stored for a period of 18 months by default.
- Files in SFTP are stored for 7 days.
- Datastores will have data as per business requirements.
- Segment query result files will be removed after 3 days unless the segment is saved or executed again in the interim.
- Target Group files supplied by the customer are stored for 90 days by default ( if no deployments are running for that Target Group).
- Scheduled Reports are stored for 90 days.
- Smart Links are stored for 90 days.
- Unsubscribe links are stored for 90 days.
- Debug logs are stored for 7 days.
- Opt-In/Opt-Out is stored for the Lifetime of Tenancy.
- Campaign Whitelist/Blacklist are stored for the Lifetime of the campaign.
- Media files are stored for the Lifetime of Tenancy.
- Customer Profiles are stored for the Lifetime of Tenancy.
- Based on the client's request, the data retention period can be changed for some of the categories mentioned, subject to applicable commercial agreements.
- On the Customer Care >> Search By Contact screen, you can see communications sent to customers during the last 60 days.
How long do the URL links remain active in Emails / SMS / MMS / Push messages?
As per the data retention policy, the links are stored for 90 days. However, there is a slight difference in how the links behave after the retention period.
SMS/ MMS/ App Push Channels
The 'Short-Links' that are sent through SMS, MMS, and App Push are stored for 90 days (standard data retention period). If the message recipient clicks on a short link within the retention period, they will be redirected to the URL and the expected content will be displayed
After the retention period (after 90 days), any click will go to a page saying “link no longer valid”.
Email Channel
The URLs are stored for 90 days (standard data retention period). If the message recipient clicks on a link within the retention period, they will be redirected to the URL. After 90 days, the links will not work.
Can I upload GIF images? if yes, how many frames are supported in a GIF image?
Yes, you can upload GIF images of size 480 x 560 px up to 100 frames in it.
How to delete a user?
You can delete a user from the user's list screen. But you cannot delete a user whose campaign deployments are in an active state.
What is a control group and how it can be used?
A Control Group is a subset of the configurable percentage or absolute value of the target group audience. The control group will be prepared randomly from the Target Group. When this option is configured, the campaign will not be sent to the Control Group.
After the campaign runs, the results can be compared to the activity of the Control Group against the activity of the Targeted Group.
How to delete a campaign?
You can delete a campaign from the campaign list screen. But you cannot delete a campaign that has deployments set up within it.
How do I know how well a campaign performed?
Webex Campaign provides a detailed dashboard on the outcome of every campaign you send, including open, failed, not delivered, and so on. You can also configure the P&L (Profit and Loss) and then assign a campaign to different divisions or cost centers.
Why are scheduled and downloadable reports only available at 10 PM and after?
This is configurable as per client requirements. If there is no specific requirement Webex Campaign will process the reports only after 10:00 PM. This is done to reduce the load on the infrastructure during the active daytime when campaigns are running.
Why is there a need to have a lag between a deployment and its Follow-up?
This is a technical limitation. For instance, to process a Follow Up on a deployment the application has to fetch the Follow Up Target Group based on the configured conditions. So the minimum lag time is 1 hour.
What is the use of Cellcode?
A Cellcode is a configurable header parameter used to filter contacts of a Target Group based on the value entered in the Cellcode field.
What is the difference in usage between “limit the number of contacts” and “Control Group?”
Control Group: A Control Group is a subset of the configurable percentage or absolute value of the target group audience. The control group will be prepared randomly from the Target Group. When this option is configured, the campaign will not be sent to the Control Group.
Limit the number of contacts: This option allows you to sent a campaign to a certain number of contacts instead of the complete Target Group. For example, if a target group contains 2,200 contacts, but the limit is set to 2,000 then the communication will be sent to 2,000 contacts only.
After the campaign runs, you can compare the activity of the Control Group against the activity of the Targeted Group.
What kind of notifications are available in Webex Campaign?
The following notifications are available in the Webex Campaign:
Notification | Description |
Deployment status | When there is a change in the status of the deployment such as Running, Stopped, etc |
Password change | When the Webex Campaign login password is changed |
Password expiry | When the Webex Campaign login password is about to expire in 7 days |
TG Conditional Status update | When the conditional target group is created |
Volume change above a threshold | When the target group volume is above the threshold |
Target group splitter | When the target group split is successful |
Deployment is due to complete | When the deployment is due to complete |
Recurring Deployment | For recurring deployment when the Target Group File is not available. |
What is an MMS transcoder?
MMS transcoding is the process of converting multimedia streams in the MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) protocol format to another multimedia format that can be played on various devices or platforms. MMS transcoders are commonly used by mobile network operators to support multimedia messaging services between different devices and platforms. For example, a MMS transcoder can convert a video message in the MMS format to a video format that can be played on a smartphone or a computer.
MMS transcoding can involve various operations, such as video/audio encoding and decoding, image resizing, and text-to-speech conversion. The quality of the transcoding can affect the overall user experience of the multimedia messaging service. Therefore, MMS transcoders need to be designed and optimized to ensure high performance and quality.
How soon will a 'Promotion' deployment start sending messages to the intended contacts after activation? And how soon will it start sending messages at the configured TPS?
A Promotion deployment can be set up to either execute immediately or according to a predefined schedule.
When the schedule is 'immediately': If a promotion deployment is activated to run immediately, then the next step is 'TG preparation' where the system will validate the input Target Group data, resulting in the final Target Group. During 'TG prep', the system performs the following tasks (if applicable):
- Removing duplicates from the TG
- Scrubbing the TG against the opt-out lists
- Scrubbing the TG against the exclusion lists
- Preparing the control group
- Applying contact-frequency capping rules
- Preparing A/B variants
- Preparing timezone variant sub-deployments
- Applying rule-based suppression rule-sets
The time required for the 'TG prep' depends on the size of the Target Group and the number of above-mentioned tasks. For example, a Target Group of around 30,000 could take approximately 30 seconds to 5 minutes depending on the options selected. Similarly, a TG of a million could take up to 15 to 20 minutes.
When the schedule is not 'immediately': If a Promotion deployment is configured to run at a future date/time, then the 'TG prep' process starts one hour before the scheduled time so that all the above-mentioned tasks can be completed before the scheduled start time.
In both the above cases, after the 'TG prep', you will see the deployment status updated to 'Running'.
However, before any messages are sent out, the system needs to perform the following additional tasks (if applicable):
- Preparing seed lists
- Evaluating conditional content logic
- Applying personalized TG headers to the content
- Creating shortened smart links and applying personalization for links
Therefore, there is an initial ramp-up period of 30 seconds to 2 minutes. During this ramp-up period, on average, the deployment will send out messages at approximately half the configured TPS. After this ramp-up period, the deployment will begin to send out messages at the configured TPS at a steady pace.
Please keep the above 'TG prep' and 'ramp-up period' considerations in mind while planning your campaign deployment schedules.
Updated about 1 month ago