How to add category-level unsub link at the bottom of your email


Follow these steps to apply category level unsub link at the bottom of your email:

  1. In your email deployment, navigate to Email node > Email content.
  2. Place the mouse cursor where you want to insert the unsub link in the HTML code.
  3. From the Search/Select landing page links drop-down and select the required Opt-out Categories defined within the tenant. The link will look like CATEGORY {user created category name} UNSUBLINK. This link will enable ‘2-click unsubscribe’ functionality.
<a href="$(CAMPAIGNUNSUBLINK#football)$" >CATEGORY football UNSUBLINK</a>
  1. (Optional) To change the default link color, add the parameter style="color:red" in the unsub link. So the unsub link will look like the one below.
<a href="$(CAMPAIGNUNSUBLINK#football)$" style="color:red">CATEGORY football UNSUBLINK</a>

You can change the color to any other color of your choice.

  1. (Optional) To change the link display text as per your preference.
<a href="$(CAMPAIGNUNSUBLINK#football)$" style="color:red">Please click here to unsubscribe from football related emails.</a>
  1. Click Select & proceed. You may configure deployment meta-tags to Save and Activate the deployment.

If an email recipient clicks on this link, their email address will be added immediately to the tenant’s ‘Category-Level Opt-out list’. That means your customers will not be unsubscribed from all of your email communications because now you are giving them more specific choices.

This will enable you to offer a more fine-grained choice to your customers whereby they can opt-out of communications related to a specific category. They can still receive other category email deployments.


The screenshots shown below are the default out-of-the-box unsubscribe landing pages. You can design your own unsubscribe landing page using the Drag-&-drop Landing Page composer and then request the Operations team to enable those custom unsubscribe landing pages instead of these default unsubscribe landing pages. Please allow approximately 1 week for this process.

If the email recipient changes their mind and does not wish to unsubscribe:

If the email recipient confirms that they wish to proceed with the unsubscribe request:

The default unsubscribe landing page mentions that "Your request can take up could take up to 14 days to take effect". However, the email is actually added to the category-level opt-out list almost immediately after the email recipient clicks on the link within the email, The wording on the default landing page deliberately gives some leeway to you in case you have an already live running deployment which may have the email recipient in its target group.