How to add channel-level unsub link at the bottom of your email

Follow these steps to apply channel level unsub link at the bottom of your email:

  1. In your email deployment, navigate to Email node > Email content.
  2. Place the mouse cursor where you want to insert the unsub link in the HTML code.
  3. From the Search/Select links drop-down and select the link EMAIL CHANNEL UNSUB LINK. This link will enable ‘single-click unsubscribe’ functionality.
  4. Click Save & proceed. You may configure deployment meta-tags to Save and Activate the deployment.

If an email recipient clicks on this link, their email address will be added immediately to the tenant’s ‘Email Channel-Level Opt-out List’.

That means your customers will not receive any future email communications on the email channel.



When the email recipients click on the unsub link, it will take 4-6 hours to update the opt-out count on the UI.