Get All Calendars API

This API is used to view all the calendars that are available in the user group. You can also get a specific calendar details by passing the calendar id in the URI.


Know your endpoint

Based on the domain you use to log in to Webex Campaign, the endpoint domain for your API varies. For more information, refer to the Know Your API Endpoints section.


The following table describes the request headers:

Request HeaderDescription
authorizationAccess token or API Secret Key in Bearer format

Example: Bearer $(key)

Request Example

Response Parameters

This API will return the following response parameters:

idReturns the id of the calendar
nameReturns the name of the calendar
timezoneReturns the time zone code.
timezoneNameReturns the time zone name.
userGroupReturns the name of the user group in which the calendar was created.
tenantNameReturns the name of the tenant.
calendarTypeReturns the calendar type. The options are:
0 - Basic Calendar
1 - Advanced Calendar
schedulesReturns the schedule object. The parameters are:
days: Returns the weekdays the calendar is schedule for. The values are:
1- Sunday
2- Monday
3- Tuesday
4- Wednesday
5- Thursday
6- Friday

dates: Returns the dates of the calendar schedule.
batchSize: Returns the batch size either absolute or a percentage value of the configured TG.
batchMode: Returns the batch mode. the values are:

# - number% - percentage
batchInterval: Returns the batch interval in minutes.
fromTime: Returns the start time
toTime: Returns the end time.
startDateReturns the start date.
endDateReturns the end date.

Failure Response Codes

The API will return code within the response as per the following table in case of failure scenarios.

HTTP Status CodeCode within API ResponseDescription
400400I/O error on post request. Cannot retry due to server authentication, in streaming mode.
401430Authorization failed. This resource is not allowed to access using this TOKEN or KEY
401498Invalid token or Access token expired
404404Not found
405405Method not supported
500500Internal server error