Update voice deployment transaction status API

This API is used to update voice campaign transactions.


Know your endpoint

Based on the domain you use to log in to Webex Campaign, the endpoint domain for your API varies. For more information, refer to the Know Your API Endpoints section.

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Run In Postman


The following table describes the request headers:

Request HeaderDescription
authorizationAccess token or API Secret Key in Bearer format

Example: Bearer $(key)

Body Parameters

The following table describes the elements in the request body:

transaction-idStringYesSpecifies the transaction ID of the request.
call-starttimeStringYesSpecifies the start time of the call.
call-endtimeStringYesSpecifies the end time of the call.
call-sourceStringYesSpecifies the call types. The options are:

- 1 - Inbound
- 2- Out Bound
- 3- Trombone
trombone-starttimeStringConditionally MandatoryThis parameter is applicable when the call-source is set as 3. The date format must be YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS.
trombone-endtimeStringConditionally MandatoryThis parameter is applicable when the call-source is set as 3. The date format must be YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS.
dtmf-digitsStringNoSpecifies the DTMF digits that call receiver has pressed.
voice-tagStringNoSpecifies the Voice Tag.
call-stateStringYesSpecifies the state of the call. The options are:

- 1- Expired or suspended call
- 2- Call initiated or dialled
- 3- Session in progress/ Alerting
- 4- Call connecting
- 5- Call answered/ Call connected
- 6- Trombone call
drop-codeStringYesSpecifies the drop code of the call. The options are:

- 2005- Success, Call Completed.
- 1001- Number is unobtainable
- 1002- Line is Busy
- 1003- Number not in service
- 1004- Congestion On Line
- 1005- Switched off
- 1006- Out of Reach
* 1007- OBD-Timeout
- 2000- Alerting Timed out
- 2001- Rejected
- 2002- No Answer
- 2003- Subscriber Busy
- 2004- User Disconnected. Call incomplete.
- 2006- App Initiated-REJECT. Call incomplete.
- 2020- Other failed reasons
drop-reasonStringNoSpecifies the call drop reason.
messageStringNoSpecifies the message.
voice-recordedStringNoSpecifies if the user has recorded his voice for voice mail. The options are:

- Yes
- No
times-attemptedStringNoSpecifies the number of times retried.
a-partyStringNoSpecifies A party number.
b-partyStringNoSpecifies B party number.

Request Example

  "call-starttime":"2014-08-26 08:00:58.211",
  "call-endtime":"2014-08-26 08:00:59.200",
  "trombone-starttime":"2014-08-26 08:00:58.211",
  "trombone-endtime":"2014-08-26 08:00:59.211",
  "message":"Call finished",
  "voice-recorded": "Yes",

Response Parameters

This API will return the following response parameters:

codeReturns the response code in case of failure.
descriptionReturns the description of the response in case of failure.
transaction-idReturns the unique Transaction ID of the operation in case of success.

Failure Response Codes

The API will return code within the response as per the following table in case of failure scenarios.

HTTP Status CodeCode within API ResponseDescription
2001010The request was not processed.
401430Authorization failed. This resource is not allowed to access using this TOKEN or KEY
498Invalid token or Access token expired
405405Method not supported
429429Too many requests. Throttle limit reached for the time window.
499499Request failed. Check the exact reason of failure in application code and description of error stream.
500500Internal server error
1001Invalid input JSON
1002Mandatory field missing