Update SMS Deployment API

This API is used to update an SMS deployment.


Do not use thie API to activate a deployment. You can use this API to update the SMS deployment details such as content, target group, router, schedule and so on.


Know your endpoint

Based on the domain you use to log in to Webex Campaign, the endpoint domain for your API varies. For more information, refer to the Know Your API Endpoints section.


The following table describes the request headers:

Request HeaderDescription
authorizationAccess token or API Secret Key in Bearer format

Example: Bearer $(key)

Request Parameters

milestoneIntegerYesSpecifies the deployment milestone.
deploymentInfoObjectYesSpecifies the deployment info object.
* deploymentName: Specifies the deployment name.
* contentType:
* deploymentType: 1,
* promotionType: 1,
* channel: 0,
* scheduleMode: "1",
* instantType: 0
targetGroupObjectYesSpecifies the target group object.
* targetGroupIds: Specifies an array of target group ids.
* policyConfigurationEnabled: Specifies if the policy configuration is enabled.
* globalExclusionEnabled: Specifies if the global exclusion is enabled.
* exclusionOptionnEnabled: Specifies if the exclusion option is enabled.
* removeDuplicates: Specifies if the duplicates have to be removed.
* controlGroupEnabled: Specifies if the control group is enabled.
* controlType: Specifies the control type.
* limitContactsEnabled: Specifies if the limit contacts is enabled.
* limitContactsCondition: Specifies the limit contacts condition.
* seedlistEnabled: Specifies if the seed list is enabled.
* addNoteToSeedMessage: Specifies if a note has to be added to the seed message.
* waitInterval: Specifies the wait interval in minutes.
reportTagsObjectYes* pandls: Specifies the P and L object.
id: Specifies the id of the P and L.
name: Specifies the name of P and L.
* purposes: Specifies the purposes object.
_ categoryId: Specifies the category id.
* categoryGroup: Specifies the category group. The default option is DEFAULT.
* categoryName: Specifies the category name.

* segment code: Specifies the segment code":
* optOutCategory: Specifies the opt-out category.
routerObjectYesSpecifies the router details.
* routerId: Specifies the router id.
* tps: Specifies the TPS (transactions per second) for the router.
* isAutoTps: Specifies if the auto TPS is enabled.

Note: Please check with your account manager or L2 on the router Id to be used and the tps it supports.
scheduleObjectYesSpecifies the schedule details.

* immediateCalendar: Specifies the calendar.
advancedOptionsObjectYesSpecifies the details of the advanced options:

* drRequired: Specifies if the delivery receipt is needed or not.
* messageValidityEnabled: Specifies if the message validity is enabled.
* messageValidity: Specifies the message validity in numbers.
* messageValidityFormat: Specifies the message validity format. The options are D (days), H(hours), and M (minutes).
* offerValidityEnabled: Specifies if the offer validity is enabled or not.
* isRetryNeeded: Specifies if the retry is needed or not.
* maximumAttempts: Specifies the maximum attempts to deliver the message.
smsDeploymentInfoObjectYesSpecifies the SMS deployment details.
* smscontent: Specifies the SMS content object. Refer to the below table.
reserveDaysTypeStringYesSpecifies exclusion days.
reserveTimingsTypeStringYesSpecifies exclusion timings.
ruleBasedSuppressionIdsArray of StringsNoSpecifies the rule based suppression ids.

sms content parameters

contentbase 64YesSpecifies the content in base 64 format.
linkTrackInfoObjectNoSpecifies the object of link tracking info. Refer to the below table
messageTypeStringYesSpecifies the message type. The options are:
* normal
* flash
* unicode
* binary
senderIdStringYesSpecifies the id through which the message will be sent.
traiTemplateIdStringNoSpecifies the trai template id.

linkTrackInfo parameters

linkidStringNoSpecifies the link id.
shortLinkSendingOptionIntegerNoSpecifies if the short link has to be unique or common. the options are:
* 1- unique
* 0 - common
expectedCtrIntegerNoSpecifies the expected click-to ratio.
linkNameStringNoSpecifies the name of the link for tracking
linkTrackingBooleanNoSpecifies if the link tracking has to be enabled for the link
mainUrlStringNoSpecifies the mail URL in base 64 encoded format.
shortUrlStringNoSpecifies the short URL in base 64 encoded format.

Request Example

{ "advancedOptions": { "drRequired": 1, "isRetryNeeded": false, "maximumAttempts": 0, "messageValidity": 0, "messageValidityEnabled": true, "messageValidityFormat": "D", "offerValidityEnabled": false, "retryNeeded": false }, "campaignInfo": { "campaignId": "16902745160049" }, "deploymentid": "SMS_1706089469571008101", "deploymentInfo": { "channel": 0, "contentType": 1, "deploymentName": "sample_test1_1234", "deploymentType": 1, "instantType": 0, "promotionType": 1, "scheduleMode": 1 }, "isPrepareTGEnabled": true, "milestone": "Draft", "notifications": [], "prepareTGEnabled": true, "reportTags": { "optOutCategory": "-1", "segmentCode": "2112" }, "reserveDaysType": "1", "reserveTimingsType": "1", "router": { "isautotps": false, "routerId": "LIVEROUTE", "tps": 2 }, "ruleBasedSuppressionIds": "", "schedule": { "calendarId": "Default", "immediateCalendar": true, "runPeriod": 0, "runScheduleType": 0, "scheduleType": 7, "waitPeriod": 0 }, "smsDeploymentInfo": { "smscontent": [ { "content": "e2Fzc2V0X2xpbmtzXzE3MDQyOTE3MjYwMDExfQ==", "linkTrackInfo": [ { "linkId": "17042917260011", "shortLinkSendingOption": 1, "expectedCtr": 0, "linkName": "QA_Link_030120243", "linkTracking": true, "mainUrl": "aHR0cDovL3d3dy5pbWltb2JpbGUuY29tLw==", "shortUrl": "aHR0cDovL3RzMi5zbXJ0Lm14L3h4eHh4eA==" } ], "messageType": "normal", "senderId": "CONNCTT", "traiTemplateId": "16582198681091" } ] }, "stakeholders": [], "targetGroup": { "addNoteToSeedMessage": false, "controlGroupEnabled": false, "controlType": 0, "exclusionOptionnEnabled": false, "globalExclusionEnabled": true, "limitContactsCondition": 0, "limitContactsEnabled": false, "policyConfigurationEnabled": true, "removeDuplicates": true, "seedlistEnabled": false, "targetGroupIds": [ "17043674830125" ], "waitInterval": 0 } }

Response Parameters

This API will return the following response parameters:

nameReturns the name of the Purpose.
idReturns the id of the Purpose.
messageReturns a confirmation message.

Response Example

{ "id": "SMS_1706089469571008101", "name": "sample_test1_1234", "message": "Deployment - sample_test1_1234 - has been saved successfully." }

Failure Response Codes

The API will return code within the response as per the following table in case of failure scenarios.

HTTP Status CodeCode within API ResponseDescription
400400I/O error on post request. Cannot retry due to server authentication, in streaming mode.
401430Authorization failed. This resource is not allowed to access using this TOKEN or KEY
401498Invalid token or Access token expired
404404Not found
405405Method not supported
500500Internal server error
5001001Invalid input JSON
Path Params

Specifies the deployment that has to be updated.

Body Params

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