Create Smart Link API (Beta)


This API is currently available only for clients hosted in the AWS-USA data centre.

This API is used to create a smart link in a tenant. The token must be generated by passing the clientId and clientSecret keys of the tenant using Get Token API. The validity of the token is 300 seconds.


Based on the domain that is assigned, the endpoint domain for your API varies. For more information, refer to the Know Your API Endpoints section.


The following table describes the request headers:

Request HeaderDescription
AuthorizationAccess token in Bearer format

Example: Bearer $(key)

Body Parameters

The following table describes the elements in the request body:

longUrlStringYesSpecifies a long URL.
domainsStringYesSpecifies the domain name in which the smart link will be created.
linkassetidStringYesSpecifies the link asset Id.
deviceRoutingStringYesSpecifies the OS specific URLs.
androidUrl: Specifies the Android specific URL.
"iosUrl: Specifies the iOS specific URL.
* "windowsUrl Specifies the Windows specific URL.
redirectParamStringNoSpecifies the redirect parameter. The default value is redirect.
encAlgoStringYesSpecifies the encryption algorithm.
encPassKeyStringYesSpecifies the encryption passkey.
expiresOnStringYesSpecifies the date till which the link is valid.
expiryUrlStringYesSpecifies the redirect URL on link expiry.
urlContextStringYesSpecifies the context parameters that are used for personalization.
referenceIdStringYesSpecifies a referenceid for the smart link.

Request Example

\\To create a smart link 

  "longUrl": "",
  "domain": "",
  "deviceRouting": {
    "androidUrl": "",
    "iosUrl": "",
    "windowsUrl": ""
  "redirectParam": "redirect",
  "encAlgo": "AES",
  "encPassKey": "testingtest@1234",
  "expiresOn": "2023-10-08T07:44:51.000Z",
  "expiryUrl": "",
  "urlContext": {
    "msisdn": "123456789"
  "referenceId": "6391b6da5481373783e33952"

Response Example

    "code": "1001",
    "message": "SmartLinks Details Added Successfully.",
    "id": "BAii9i7p",
    "smartLink": ""

Response Parameters

This API will return the following response parameters:

codeReturns the success response code
messageReturns the confirmation message.
idReturns the ID of the smart link.
smartLinkReturns the URL with smart link.

Failure Response Codes

The API will return a code within the response as per the following table in case of failure scenarios.

HTTP Status CodeCode within API ResponseDescription
400NABad request
401NAAuthorization failed. This resource is not allowed to access using this TOKEN or KEY
401NAInvalid token or Access token expired
405NAMethod not supported
500NAInternal server error.