Release 6.5 - 2022 Nov & 2023 Jan
about 2 years ago by kamal
- 1.0 Campaign Manager module enhancements
- 1.1 Email alert notification to the deployment creator if a TG was ‘abandoned’
- 1.2 Follow-up deployment configuration (4-quadrant screen): parent deployment channel = Email
- 1.3 Follow-up deployment configuration (4-quadrant screen): parent deployment channel = SMS
- 1.4 Follow-up deployment configuration (4-quadrant screen): parent deployment channel = MMS
- 1.5 Follow-up deployment configuration (4-quadrant screen): parent deployment channel = App Push
- 1.6 Email Message Templates (created using HTML Editor): Check conditional content syntax (BETA)
- 1.7 Landing pages (created using HTML Editor): Check conditional content syntax (BETA)
- 1.8 Landing pages: Shorten URL by default
- 1.9 Landing pages: Enable users to edit other users’ landing pages
- 1.10 Landing pages: Show ‘landing page links’ in a separate dropdown
- 1.11 Landing pages: Show only ‘landing page domains’ in the domain dropdown
- 1.12 SMS content node: Show ‘landing page links’ in a separate dropdown
- 1.13 Support for .SVG image files in media and email message templates
- 1.14 Recurring deployments: ability to update ‘Remove duplicates’ setting when paused
- 1.15 MMS message template composer: UX improvements
- 1.16 AWS-USA: Integration with MMS Aggregation Gateway for US clients using MM7 protocol
- 2.0 Dashboard & Reports module enhancements
- 2.1 Access to ‘Logout’ functionality from the Dashboard & Reports screens
- 2.2 Dashboard SMS & MMS deployments: Link URLs better visibility within ‘Customer responses’
- 2.3 Campaign Deployment Summary Report: Added a column for ‘Deployment created by’
- 2.4 Promotion Delivery Transaction Report: SMS & MMS gateway error code descriptions added
- 3.0 Profile Manager module enhancements
- 3.1 Segment Builder filters: Ability to select 'All' for various conditions on campaign data filters.
- 3.2 Administration >> Profile manager file clients set up: ‘Home folder’ configuration
- 3.3 Data management >> Data ingestion >> Datastores: Ability to rename a datastore
- 3.4 Data management >> Data ingestion >> View/Create Datastore: multiple UX improvements
- 3.5 Profile Definition >> Map Datastores: Improved UX due to improved sort order of attributes
- 3.6 Data Management >> Profile definitions >> Create / Update Profile: multiple UX improvements
- 3.7 Data Management >> Profile Definition: View ‘Profile load report’ more easily
- 3.8 Data Management >> Profile structures: View ‘Profile load report’ more easily
- 3.9 Data management monitoring reports: Improved UX due to addition of ‘Refresh’ button
- 3.10 Administration >> Monitoring >> Profile load report: multiple UX improvements
- 3.11 Administration >> Monitoring >> Datastore load report: multiple UX improvements
- 4.0 API & Integrations enhancements
Release 6.4 - 2022 Aug
over 2 years ago by kamal
- 1.0 Enhancements spanning multiple modules
- 2.0 Campaign Manager module enhancements
- 2.1 Ability to create Target Groups from CSV files
- 2.2 Ability to create a new event from a previously created event template
- 2.3 Events list screen improvements
- 2.4 TG Splitter: Sequence of headers in the output files will match that of the original file
- 2.5 SMS: Showing the last message template associated with a deployment
- 3.0 Profile Manager module enhancements
- 4.0 Maintenance items in this release
- 5.0 Need more information?
Release 6.3 - 2022 June
over 2 years ago by kamal
- 1.0 Introducing the new Webex-branded look
- 2.0 Introducing 3 new channels: RCS, WhatsApp & In-App (BETA)
- 3.0 Decommissioning of old UI by August 31st, 2022
- 4.0 Introducing 3 new channels: RCS, WhatsApp & In-App (BETA)
- 4.1 Email channel: Personalised ‘From name,’ ‘Reply name’ and ‘Reply address’
- 4.2 Easier access to ‘Opt-out lists’ data in the pre-built datastore ‘CAMP_OPTOUT_DATA’ (BETA)
- 4.3 Easier access to ‘Preview & Test’ and ‘Deploy Now’ features
- 4.4 Easier way to attach multiple TGs to a deployment
- 4.5 Campaign Visualiser improvements
- 4.6 Email & MMS: Showing the last message template associated with a deployment
- 4.7 Introduced ‘Created by’ filter on fourteen additional screens for better UX
- 4.8 Email: Updated email clients in Litmus Inbox Previews
- 4.9 TG Splitter: Considerations for existing recurring TG splits created on the old UI
- 5.0 Dashboard & Reports module enhancements
- 6.0 Profile Manager module enhancements
- 7.0 API & Integration enhancements
- 8.0 Maintenance items in this release
- 9.0 Need more information?
Release 6.2.1 - 2022 Mar
over 2 years ago by kamal
This release 6.2.1 is a small maintenance release mainly focused on delivering some improvements in security, engineering, and performance. No significant functional features are being introduced in this release.
Release 6.2 - 2022 Feb
almost 3 years ago by kamal
- 1.0 imicampaign Campaign Manager Module on the New UI
- 1.1 New two-step login process to better support SSO
- 1.2 Deployment Diary: View all scheduled deployments for the next 7 days (BETA)
- 1.3 Contact-Frequency-Capping
- 1.4 Ability to update Purpose meta-tags while a deployment is paused
- 1.5 Ability to update the contents of a seed-list
- 1.6 Instant Deployments: Timezone selection for Schedule nodes
- 1.7 Email templates with HTML-Editor: Easier previews of Partials
- 1.8 Email templates with Drag-&-Drop Composer: Ability to unlock a ‘Master Template’
- 1.9 Customer Care screen: now showing email subject-line
- 1.10 Facebook channel Follow-ups to email, SMS & MMS deployments
- 1.11 File Transfer channel: Headers are shown in the same order as the TG
- 1.12 Ext Action channel: Ability to pass header info to a 3rd party API / Webhook
- 2.0 Dashboard & Reports enhancements
- 2.1 Designate a ‘Saved Filter’ on the Dashboard as your ‘Default’ filter
- 2.2 MMS A/B Deployments: Variants’ content on the ‘A/B Deployment Details’ screen
- 2.3 New Pre-Configured Report: ‘Email Engagement Transaction Report’ (BETA)
- 2.4 Pre-Configured Reports: P&L Filter added to 5 frequently used reports
- 2.5 Pre-Configured Reports: Improvements to 4 Link-Click Summary Reports
- 3.0 Drag-&-Drop Email Composer
- 3.1 Ability to add small comments within email templates
- 3.2 Ability to change Personalization Reference for Derived Email Templates
- 3.3 Preview of Partials within Email Composer Mobile / Desktop Preview sections
- 3.4 Text Block: Improved (upgraded) floating black text toolbar
- 3.5 Specify different text colors for ‘Dark Mode’ within iOS Mail & MacOS Mail apps
- 4.0 Profile Manager module enhancements
- 5.0 Maintenance items in this release
- 6.0 Need more information?
Release 6.1 - 2021 Nov
about 3 years ago by kamal
- 1.0 Campaign Manager Module on the New UI
- 1.1 Opt-out Category will now be applied at Deployment Level (instead of at Campaign Level)
- 1.2 Seed lists for Onetime & Recurring A/B Email Deployments
- 1.3 Ability to pause multiple deployments (up to 25) at a time
- 1.4 Enhancements to SMS Message Templates
- 1.5 MMS Message Templates: Ability to Copy from existing templates
- 1.6 A new dynamic parameter ‘$(sys_pushed_date)’ in Email Content and UTM Tags
- 1.7 Email Message Templates: HTML Editor: Browser Preview adjacent to the code
- 1.8 Auto-detection of Unicode text within SMS content
- 1.9 Selecting 1 Purpose meta-tag from each Purpose Group no longer mandatory
- 1.10 Email addresses with + symbol should be allowed
- 1.11 Support Firefox browser for the New UI
- 1.12 Support for Portuguese language on New UI
- 2.0 Dashboard & Reports enhancements
- 3.0 Drag-&-Drop Landing Page Composer (Beta)
- 3.1 Ability to show/hide 1-C/2-C/3-C on Mobile/Desktop devices
- 3.2 Ability to define a header for data feed of Captured data
- 3.3 A new Form Element: Date
- 3.4 Ability to apply Mobile specific padding for Text block
- 4.0 Drag-&-Drop Email Composer enhancements
- 5.0 Maintenance items in this release
- 6.0 Need more information?
Release 6.0.1 - 2021 Aug
over 3 years ago by kamal
- 1.0 imicampaign’s New UI (‘Limited GA’)
- 1.1 Left Navigation Menu
- 1.2 Campaign Details & Deployment Listing
- 1.3 Create a New Deployment in ‘Draft’ status
- 1.3.1 Create a skeleton deployment
- 1.3.2 Configure TG Source Nodes
- 1.3.3 Configure Schedule Nodes
- 1.3.4 Configure Email Content Node
- 1.3.5 Save Deployment in ‘Draft’ status
- 1.3.6 Configure Additional Optional Target Group Nodes
- 1.4 After drafting: Preview & Test, Edit, Activate, Save-as-Template, Prepare TG
- 1.5 View the Deployment Summary of a Completed / Activated Deployment
- 1.6 View a Completed Deployment using the ‘Deployment Canvas
- 1.7 Visualize all Deployments within a Campaign
- 1.8 ‘Prepare TG’ for Onetime Parent & Follow-Up deployments
- 1.9 New UI: Auto-Generate Conditional Email Content Tests for Follow-Ups
- 1.10 MMS Channel Deployments
- 1.11 Customer Care screens
- 1.12 Recurring TG-Splitter & other improvementsn
- 1.13 Email Channel – Improved Automatic Link Tracking
- 1.14 Email Channel – Google Analytics UTM tags
- 1.15 Upload a file into a Datastore from your workstation
- 1.16 App Push Channel Deployments
- 1.17 External Action Channel Deployments
- 1.18 File Transfer Channel Deployments
- 1.19 Facebook Custom Audiences Channel Deployments
- 1.20 Deployment Approvals
- 1.21 Instant Deployment: 'Send Test Message' in Draft state
- 1.22 Auto Generation of Email Tests: Generate PDF copies
- 1.23 New in Rel 6.0.1: Auto Generation of Email Tests: Show PDF copy file name on Customer Care screen
- 1.24 New in Rel 6.0.1: Auto Generation of Email Tests: Now possible in ‘Paused’ status
- 1.25 New in Rel 6.0.1: Customer Care screen: Search by Unique Customer ID
- 1.26 New in Rel 6.0.1: Approval Management : Ability to filter by 'Approvers'
- 1.27 New in Rel 6.0.1: Support for Microsoft Edge browser for the New UI
- 1.28 What’s not yet available on the New UI in this 6.0.1 release
- 2.0 Profile Manager Module on the New UI
- 3.0 Dashboard & Reports enhancements
- 4.0 Drag-&-Drop Landing Page Composer (Beta)
- 5.0 Dashboard & Reports enhancements
- 5.1 Hide 2-Column & 3-Column Structures on Mobile / Desktop
- 5.2 Add a different background image for mobile email clients
- 5.3 Buttons with curved edges in Outlook Desktop app
- 5.4 Support for Dynamic Partials within the Email Composer
- 5.5 2-Column Structure: Ability to apply border to specific sides of a Container
- 6.0 Maintenance items in this release
- 7.0 Need more information?