Release 6.8.18 - mini release - 2024 April

1.0 Dashboard & Reports module enhancements

1.1 More accurate reporting for Email CTR (Click-Through Rate)

Identifying potentially invalid email opens and clicks caused by automated ‘Bot User Agents’ embedded within various email client apps is a complex and multifaceted problem.


Email open tracking is inherently probabilistic rather than deterministic, which means that the data is based on estimates rather than precise measurements. This probabilistic nature can make email open rates unreliable for cases where accuracy is crucial, such as revenue calculations or financial assessments.

What are ‘User Agents’?

As you may know, the W3C defines a ‘User Agent’ as any software that retrieves, renders, and facilitates end-user interaction with Web content, or whose user interface is implemented using Web technologies.

There are many different types of user agents, including: web browsers, mobile apps, mobile email clients (e.g. Gmail app on Android / Apple phones), desktop email clients (e.g. Outlook 365), chat applications (e.g. Slack, Webex, Zoom), gaming consoles, smart TVs, Internet Of Things devices (e.g. smart thermostats, security cameras, home appliances) and finally bots and crawlers.

Each user agent identifies itself with a unique ‘user agent string’, e.g. Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.79 Safari/537.36

One reason why it’s hard to deterministically classify user agents which represent actions by real humans vs automated bot/crawler activities is because there isn’t any global standard for the user-agent-string format. We use a 3rd party partner company that specialize in probabilistically inferring the properties of a user agent based on the unstructured format of each user agent string

What are bots & crawlers?

Bots and crawlers are automated user agents that are often used for tasks such as web indexing and data mining. There are ‘good bots’ and ‘malicious bots’.

The most common examples of ‘good bots’ are search engine bots that retrieve and index web content so that it can show up in search engine results in Google / Bing etc. Other examples of ‘good bots’ are copyright-checker bots (e.g. YouTube’s copyright bot), website up-or-down-checker bots (e.g. Pingdom), newsfeed bots which crawl the internet looking for newsworthy content to add to content aggregator sites or social media newsfeeds, mail-privacy-protection bots (e.g. Apple MPP), etc. More examples of such bots that are in the recent news are the bots from the Generative AI companies like OpenAI who need to crawl the web to feed the text, images, and video information into the ‘large language models’ of their AI products such as ChatGPT, etc.

Email marketers are interested in measuring emails opened and email links clicked by human customers because these metrics are indicators of how successful of their email campaigns are in engaging their customers. So it is important to eliminate the impact of both ‘good bots’ and ‘malicious bots’ when reporting these metrics.

What have we previously done to reduce the impact of bots and crawlers on engagement metrics?

As you may recall, we implemented many years ago the capability within Webex Campaign to filter out email opens that could reasonably be attributed to some type of ‘bot activity’. After Apple’s introduction of the Mail Privacy Protection (MPP) feature in iOS in late 2021, the email-opens that were attributed to Apple’s ‘MPP bot’, also automatically began to be filtered out within Webex Campaign’s email open metrics due to our already existing filtering algorithms. In release 6.6.2 during May 2023, we introduced additional metrics related to email opens to improve transparency for users about this filtering logic for the ‘email opens’ metric. More info on those can be found here:

What are we introducing in this release to further improve the accuracy of engagement metrics?

In this release, we are implementing a similar pre-processing logic in order to filter out email clicks that could be reasonably be attributed to some type of ‘bot activity’.

This process can be understood in two steps as follows:

Step1: We use a third-party database to look up the user agents’ inferred attributes from the unstructured user agent long signatures and then categorize user agents as a ‘bot’ or ‘valid’. Examples of such inferred user agent attributes are 'Browser', 'BrowserVendor', ‘DeviceType’, ’HardwareVendor’, ‘HardwareFamily’, ’PlatformName’, ‘PlatformVersion’, ‘CrawlerName’ etc.

Here are a couple of examples of user agents categorized as bots:
o Chrome/41.0.2272.96 Mobile Safari/537.36 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
o Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 5X Build/MMB29P) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.53 Mobile Safari/537.36 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +

Any email clicks generated from such user agents will now be ignored and will not be reported as part of the email click metrics.

Step2: Although the above-described process weeds out most of the clicks caused by bot user agents, our detailed analysis of email clicks data revealed that this attribute-based logic does not always identify all the bots. So to further improve the accuracy of email click metrics, we have implemented another automated process to analyze the previous week’s email clicks data (i.e. RTE records of record-type 522) and identify user agents that have generated more than 10 clicks for the same link within an hour. The assumption here is that no real human email recipient is likely to click on the same link within the same email more than 10 times within an hour.

These user agents will then be categorized as bots and going forward, any further clicks generated by these user agents will be ignored.

Please note that the above 2-step process of identifying bot user agents is not retroactive i.e. the bot classification will only affect future email click record counts. Past click records generated by all user agents will remain unchanged, even if some of these user agents are later classified as bots. This aspect of the processing of bot-generated email clicks is similar to how we process bot-generated email opens.

Impact on reported email CTR % values:

In summary, this enhancement will improve the accuracy of email click-through rate metrics by removing bot-generated clicks that were previously artificially inflating the reported CTR percentage figures. Consequently, you are likely to see lower values for the CTR metrics compared to your previous email CTR values. So you should reset these expectations with your own stakeholders accordingly. This reduction in email CTR could vary from 0.5% to approximately 5-7% depending on the relative mix of email clients that are being used by your customer base. This reduction in email CTR could also vary from one campaign deployment to another depending on which segment of your customer base is being targeted and the relative mix of email clients being used by customers within that segment.

Impact on campaign results data feeds:

To keep track of these bot-generated email clicks (which are ignored from the reported CTR metrics), we have introduced within this release 6.8.18, some new ‘record-types’ in our RTE (Real-time EDR) database. This database is used to keep track of every delivery and engagement event for every customer to whom any message is sent from Webex Campaign on any channel. These new record types are: 528, 529, 530. These record types will represent email link clicks associated with various types of bot user agents.

If you currently receive a ‘raw’ data feed from Webex Campaign’s RTE database, then you will notice records corresponding to the above new record types in your data feed after release 6.8.18 has gone live.

On the other hand, if you receive a customized data feed, then it will remain unchanged. If you want these new RTE records to be included within your customized data feed, then please contact your Cisco/IMI representative; they will need to arrange for our professional services team to make this change to the algorithm that generates your custom data-feed.

1.2 More frequent weekly refresh of the user-agent database from 3rd party supplier

We use a dataset from a 3rd party supplier as a starting point to identify user agents that might be bots.

With this release, we will be introducing the automated process to refresh our database of user agents more frequently (i.e. weekly) from the 3rd party of supplier of this data to ensure more accurate identification of bots. Previously, this update was less frequently done.

1.3 Two additional filters on Dashboard ‘Campaign List’ screen

Based on client feedback, we have added the following 2 attributes to the Dashboard filter pop-up screen:
a) ‘Business Stakeholder’ which is an attribute of ‘Campaign’ ; and
b) ‘Sender ID’ which is an attribute of 'Deployment’.

Please note that if values for these attributes have been changed by the users, then only the latest values will be taken into account when applying the filters, e.g. let’s say, an SMS recurring deployment was initially set up and run with a sender ID ‘123123’ for 2 weeks; then it was paused and the sender ID was changed to ‘567567’. Then this deployment will be shown only when the sender ID filter value is ‘567567’.

This feature update is associated with the Nolt enhancement idea # 347.

1.4 Left navigation menu: icon for ‘Reports’ updated

We have updated the icon for the ‘Reports’ menu to look more like a table to reflect that the reports produced in Webex Campaign are either in Excel or CSV format. Previously, this icon used to show a ‘pie chart’ and some users used to confuse this icon with the Dashboard menu because the Dashboard does indeed display many types of charts, including pie charts.

2.0 Landing Page Composer module enhancements

2.1 Introduced ‘Conditional’ block within the Landing Page Composer

This has been a long-requested feature from many clients. It works in a similar fashion to how it works within the Email Composer. You can drag and drop the ‘Conditional’ block from the ‘Fixed Block’ collection on the left panel onto the central canvas to apply the ‘if-else-elseif’ logic at the structure level and associate a target group header or event parameter with the condition.
The screenshots shown below convey how this feature works.
This feature is associated with the Nolt enhancement idea # 223.

Usage notes:

  1. To be able to use the ‘Conditional’ block, you must have associated the landing page with either a target group or an event, so that either a TG header or an event parameter can then be used in the ‘if-else-elseif’ conditions.
  2. Drag and drop the ‘Conditional’ block from the ‘Fixed blocks’ collection in the left panel onto the central design canvas.
  3. Click on the ‘settings’ (gear) icon in the right panel.
  4. Select the ‘TG header’ or ‘event parameter’ from the first dropdown on the ‘IF’ tab.
  5. Select the conditional operator from the second dropdown, e.g. ‘equal’, ‘not equal’ etc.
  6. Enter the comparison value in the text entry field.
  7. You may optionally combine this first condition with additional conditions using AND/OR operators.
  8. You may optionally add conditions on multiple ELSEIF tabs and on the ELSE tab.
  9. Please review other constraints and guidelines mentioned regarding the ‘Conditional’ block within the Email Composer here: The same constraints and guidelines also apply to this newly introduced ‘Conditional’ block within the Landing Page Composer.

2.2 Social Follow block: updated ‘twitter’ to ‘X’ and ‘’ to ‘’

This change is to reflect the new name of the social network ‘twitter’.

3.0 Profile Manager module enhancements

3.1 Segment Builder: Step 4 – Filters: Mapped deprecated operators to available operators

As you may remember, in release 6.8 we rationalized and simplified the available comparison operator options within the Segment Builder Step 4 (Filters) screen dropdowns. Although this change helped to improve the user experience for most users, some previously configured filter comparisons for some users were showing blank values if the filters contained the following comparison operations. In this release, we have fixed this issue by mapping these filter comparisons to the appropriate equivalent filter comparison from the new list of available operators.

Previously specified (now deprecated) filter conditionMapped equivalent filter condition
IN, YesterdayEQUAL TO, Yesterday
AFTER, Last X-Days, with the appropriate value of XIN, Last X-Days, with appropriate value of X
GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO, YesterdayIN, Last X-Days, with appropriate value of X
GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO, Last X-DaysIN, Last X-Days, with appropriate value of X

If you were previously using the filter conditions listed in the left column, then going forward we recommend using the equivalent filter conditions in the right column in the above table. The below screenshot shows an example of the first filter condition mentioned in the above table.

This enhancement is associated with ServiceNow ticket WxC-INC0247543.

4.0 Maintenance items in this release

The table below lists some of the notable smaller functional improvements, engineering improvements, bug fixes, and fixes for production incidents/problem tickets that are included in this release.

#ModuleChange TypeDescripton
1EngineeringImprovedOS version updates are applied to multiple backend IT servers.
2EngineeringImprovedUpgraded the underlying AWS EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) version to 1.28 [CMPN-20015].
3EngineeringImprovedUpgraded ‘FileQConnector’ component version to for improved scalability [CMPN-18944]
4EngineeringImprovedImproved the memory management of the ‘Dashupdater’ component [CMPN-19760]
5EngineeringImprovedImproved the resilience of container pods by increasing the thread counts to 10,000. [INC0378395 / CMPN-19853]
6EngineeringFixedImproved the DRUID Zookeeper configuration to automate the archival of some files to improve the application performance. [CMPN-20082]
7EngineeringFixedApp Push channel Sending Test Messages: Fixed a bug which, under certain conditions, was preventing users from creating a test contact of type ‘Primary profile key’ on the ‘Campaign management / Target data / Test contacts’ screen if the value contained hyphens [PRB0010336 / INC0130083 / INC0343710 / CMPN-18711]
8Campaign ManagerFixedDeployments with duplicate tracked links in dynamic partials: Fixed a bug which, under certain conditions, was preventing the user from activating a deployment if the content included duplicate tracked links in dynamic partials. [PRB0010499 / INC0188827 / CMPN-18820]
9Campaign ManagerFixedSlow or unresponsive UI: Fixed a bug which, under certain conditions, was causing the UI to become slow or unresponsive. An automated restart and alerting mechanism for container pods have also been implemented to avoid this issue in the future. [PRB0011055 / INC0398690 / INC0397679 / CMPN-19608]
10Campaign ManagerFixedCreate Deployment API: Fixed a bug, which under certain conditions, was causing this API to fail because the auto-incremented value of the ‘reserve-time’ parameter had reached the max allowed limit. This was fixed by changing the datatype from ‘smallint’ to ‘int’. [PRB0011318 / INC0477205 / CMPN-20123]
11DashboardFixedEmail DRs from AWS-SES: Fixed a bug which, under certain conditions, was causing the email delivery and engagement metrics to be incorrect for some campaigns for some clients. [PRB0010528 / INC0199258 / INC0199241 / CMPN-19766]
12DashboardFixedRCS channel metrics on Dashboard Engagement chart: Fixed a bug which was causing the click counts not to be displayed. [PRB0011072 / INC0403389 / CMPN-19761]
13Profile Manager APIsFixedGet Profile Metadata API: Fixed a bug in this API, which, under certain conditions, was causing an invalid response to be returned.[CMPN-20077]
14Email ComposerImprovedIntegration with Liferay Digital Asset Management system: According to the change request from a specific client, made two parameters optional for a specific API exposed by a client-specific middleware system through which the Liferay APIs are accessed by Webex Campaign.

5.0 Need more information?

Please contact your Cisco Webex client representative if you have questions or would like access to a new feature.

Cisco Webex technical support team can be contacted at any time by phone or email: