Release 6.0 - 2021 July
1.0 imicampaign’s New UI (‘Limited GA’)
In addition to Email, SMS, and MMS channels that were already available on the New UI, in this release, we are introducing the following features on the New UI.
Campaign Manager module:
• App Push channel deployments
• Ext Action channel deployments
• File channel deployments
• Facebook Custom Audience channel deployments
• Deployment Approvals by Individuals
• Deployment Approvals by Teams
• Campaign Management Administration functionality
Profile Manager module:
• Profile Definition & Datastore Definition
• Segment Builder
• Data Management, Data Ingestion, ETL (Extract, Transform, Load)
• Data Management Administration functionality
Offer Fulfilment Engine module:
• SMS 2-way offer fulfillment deployments
Currently, the New UI is available as ‘Limited GA’ for specific clients. If you are interested in getting access to the New UI, then please contact your Customer Success team.
The New UI can be accessed using the ‘nextgen/’ context of your usual imicampaign URL; e.g.
- Going forward, new product features will only be introduced on the New UI.
- After the New UI is fully developed, we will decommission the Old UI ( ~Nov 2021).
- Any Campaigns, Deployments, and Assets that you have previously created on the Old UI will be available to view and edit on the New UI.
- Similarly, any Campaigns, Deployments, and Assets you create on the New UI will be available on the Old UI for the next few months (until the Old UI is decommissioned).
The following sections introduce the key features of the New UI:
1.1 Left Navigation Menu
The Left Navigation Menu can be expanded by clicking on the ‘three-lines / burger’ icon in the top-left corner of the screen. And it can be collapsed again by clicking on the arrow icon.
The top-level menu has been slightly reorganized relative to the menu options on the Old UI; e.g.
- Dashboard & Reports are now separate top-level menu items.
- Under the ‘Campaigns’ → ‘Target Data’ menu, the following features have been consolidated: Events, Seed Lists, Target Groups, Target Group Splitter, and Test Contacts.
- Using the ‘Email Composer’ top-level menu, you can directly go to the ‘Email Message Templates’.
You can also navigate the menu by hovering the mouse over the menu options without expanding it fully.
1.2 Campaign Details & Deployment Listing
On the ‘Campaign List’ page (shown in the screenshot above), when you click on any specific Campaign Name, you can see the Deployments under that Campaign. This is similar to the ‘Campaign Flow’ screen on the Old UI.
On this screen, you can use the following features:
a) Create a New Deployment under this Campaign (see section 1.3)
b) View ‘Deployment Summary’ by clicking on the Deployment Name (see sections 1.4 & 1.5)
c) Activate / Delete an existing Deployment by clicking on the ‘three-dot’ Actions menu
d) Visualise the relationships between all the Deployments within this Campaign
(see section 1.7)
1.3 Create a New Deployment in ‘Draft’ status
The following series of screenshots shows the steps in creating a new deployment:
1.3.1 Create a skeleton deployment
A ‘Deployment Wizard’ guides you through the 3 steps to create a new skeleton deployment on the ‘Deployment Canvas’.
Now, you can drag-&-drop one of the ‘Target Group Source’ nodes on to the grey-colored ‘Add Target Group’ placeholder node. Then you can complete the TG Source configuration on the right-side panel by selecting this node. (This is similar to what you would have done on the ‘WHO’ tab on the Old UI).
Similarly, you can drag-&-drop one of the ‘Deployment Schedule’ nodes on to the blue-colored ‘Add Schedule’ placeholder node and complete the Schedule configuration on the right-side panel. (This is similar to what you would have done on the ‘WHEN’ tab on the Old UI).
Finally, when you select the ‘Email’ node, you will be able to specify the Email content (similar to how you would have configured it on the ‘WHAT’ tab on the Old UI).
The following subsections cover these steps.
1.3.2 Configure TG Source Nodes
In this example, the TG source is a ‘File’. After you drag the ‘File’ icon from the ‘Node Selector Panel’ on the left side onto the central canvas, you can select that node and specify the details about the File in the right panel a.k.a. ‘Node Properties Panel’.
The red triangular ‘attention’ icon will remain on a node until you have configured that node completely and clicked on the ‘Save Changes’ button.
1.3.3 Configure Schedule Nodes
In this example, the user has dragged and dropped the ‘Existing Calendar’ node onto the central Deployment Canvas.
The system will automatically add an extra node for ‘Days / Times Exclusion’ where you can confirm whether you want to stick to your company’s default exclusion-days and exclusion times or you can choose to apply different values for your specific deployment.
Again, the configuration for the ‘Existing Calendar’ node will need to be completed on the ‘Node Properties Panel’ on the right side.
1.3.4 Configure Email Content Node
By selecting the ‘Email’ channel node, you will need to configure the Email content on the ‘Node Properties Panel’ on the right side.
Here, you will be able to choose previously created Email Templates, Partials etc.
1.3.5 Save Deployment in ‘Draft’ status
The drop-down within the ‘Deployment Canvas’ will keep track of which nodes are fully configured and which still need to be configured by the user.
By using the drop-down at the top of the Canvas screen, you will then save this deployment as a ‘draft’. You can save a deployment in the ‘draft’ status without necessarily completing all the node configurations. (You may choose to come back and fill in the missing details later by editing this already drafted deployment).
1.3.6 Configure Additional Optional Target Group Nodes
Depending on your requirements for a specific deployment, you will be able to add additional optional nodes related to the ‘Target Group’ definition e.g. Seed Lists, Control Group, Additional TGs, Exclusion List etc.
If you want to delete any of these optional nodes, then you can select the node and use the ‘Delete’ icon at the bottom of the Canvas. You can also use the ‘zoom’ and ‘pan’ options.
1.4 After drafting: Preview & Test, Edit, Activate, Save-as-Template, Prepare TG
After a deployment is drafted, it will appear on the ‘Campaign Details and Deployment listing’ screen (as shown in the previous section 1.2 ). When you click on a deployment in the ‘Draft’ status, the ‘Deployment Summary’ screen will open up.
Here, you can use the following features for this deployment :
- Preview & Test,
- Edit,
- Activate,
- Save As Template and
- Prepare TG (This is a new tenant-specific feature only available on the New UI)
For a deployment in ‘Draft’ status, the ‘Deployment Summary’ screen will show the basic info, Targeting Options, Schedule Options, and the Deployment Snapshot.
1.5 View the Deployment Summary of a Completed / Activated Deployment
In case of a ‘Completed’ deployment, you will only have the option to ‘View’, rather than ‘Edit’ the deployment. For a deployment in ‘Completed’ status, the ‘Deployment Counts’ panel is also available.
1.6 View a Completed Deployment using the ‘Deployment Canvas’
The ‘Deployment Canvas’ will open up when clicked on the ‘View’ button on the above screen.
1.7 Visualize all Deployments within a Campaign
From the Campaign Details / Deployment Listing screen, you can click on the ‘Visualize’ button to view the relationships between all the Deployments within a Campaign. This is especially useful in case of follow-up deployments.
By selecting one of these deployments, you can see a few more details about it on the right-side panel.
The grey icons convey the type of TG Source ( File / SFTP / Profile Segment) and how the blue icons convey the type of schedule (Onetime, Recurring, or Instant).
1.8 ‘Prepare TG’ for Onetime Parent & Follow-Up deployments
This tenant-specific feature is only available on the New UI. Please contact your imimobile account manager if you would like to access this feature.
On the Deployment Summary screen, you will see a new option called ‘Prepare TG’ in case of Onetime Deployments. This option will ‘prepare the target group’ by processing options such as control groups, exclusion list, DND, etc.
If the ‘Prepare TG’ option is selected multiple times, then if there is any previously 'Prepared’ TG already present, it will be discarded, and the TG Prep process will start again for that deployment.
After the TG is prepared, the deployment creator will receive an email as shown below. This email will include all the relevant counts for the TG. This feature is especially useful to assess the count of customers eligible to receive a follow-up communication ahead of the follow-up being sent out.
In case of Onetime Parent Promotions, if the ‘Prepare TG’ option has been used before activation, then the TG will not be prepared again at the time of activation – thus saving time.
This feature is useful in situations where you know the Target Group ahead of time but may want to make last-minute changes to the email content just before activation (especially when using the ‘Immediately’ schedule option). You can get the ‘Prepare TG’ step completed ahead of time; and thus, get the email communication out of the door more quickly after activation.
When you activate the deployment, you will be shown an alert informing you that the TG has already been prepared and the same already-prepared TG will be used. Of course, if you have made any changes to the Target Group since the TG was last prepared, you will be able to select the ‘Prepare TG’ option again before activation.
In case of Onetime Follow-Up deployments, even if the ‘Prepare TG’ option has been used one or more times before the activation, the TG will still be prepared again at the time of activating the deployment. This is essential to account for any potential updates to delivery and engagement metrics of the parent deployment ( e.g. Opens, Clicks) since the ‘Prepare TG’ option was last used for that Follow-up deployment.
1.9 New UI: Auto-Generate Conditional Email Content Tests for Follow-Ups
This tenant-specific feature is only available on the New UI. Please contact your imimobile account manager if you would like to access this feature.
This feature was previously available only for Parent promotion deployments. After you use the above- mentioned ‘Prepare TG’ feature for a Follow-up deployment on the New UI, you can now also auto-generate the conditional content tests.
1.10 MMS Channel Deployments
Now, in addition to Email & SMS channels, you can use the New UI to configure MMS channel campaign deployments.
You will need to create an MMS Message Template prior to creating an MMS Deployment.
1.11 Customer Care screens
As of Release 5.9, the Customer Care screens are available on the New UI.
1.12 Recurring TG-Splitter & other improvements
In the previous release, the TG-Splitter feature only supported the ‘One-time’ option on the New UI. In this release, we have introduced the ‘Recurring’ option to the TG-Splitter feature. We have also introduced a few other UX improvements and changes to this feature.
- On the Old UI, this feature was also acting as a ‘File Splitter’ whereby you could upload a file to be split.
- On the New UI, the ‘TG Splitter’ will function as a ‘Target Group Splitter’ as its name suggests. This means that you will first need to create a Target Group from your file and then use this TG as a starting point to use the TG Splitter feature.
Here’s how the ‘TG Splitter’ feature works on the New UI :
- Step 1: Provide a name for your ‘TG Splitter’. On the Old UI, there was an option to ‘Use the existing file name’ in this step. That option has been removed from the New UI.
- Step 2: Select the TG you wish to split on the pop-up. The only supported TG-sources are ‘File Upload’ and ‘SFTP’.
To configure a Recurring TG-Splitter: Select a Dynamic TG
To configure a Onetime TG-Splitter: Select a Static TG
Step 3: Choose whether the TG should be split randomly or based on the values of specific headers.
Step 4: Choose whether the TG-Splitter should be run Onetime or on a Recurring-basis.
In case of Recurring TG-Splitter schedules, you would have selected a ‘Dynamic TG’ in Step 1. Typically, the source of such a Dynamic TG will be ‘Secure FTP’. The ‘TG Split Schedule’ that you specify in this Step 4 will be used by imicampaign to decide when to refresh the contents of the Dynamic TG that needs to be split (i.e., when to look for a new file in the specified Secure FTP location).
Step 5: Specify what should be done with the split child TGs. The options available are different depending on whether you chose a Onetime or Recurring schedule for the TG-Splitter.
After a TG-Splitter task is configured, it can be viewed on the ‘Target Group Splitter’ screen.
For Onetime TG Splitters, you can view the configured set up.
For Recurring TG Splitters, you can view the history and stop the recurring schedule.
1.13 Email Channel – Improved Automatic Link Tracking
In Release 5.9, Email Automatic Link Tracking feature on the New UI has been improved as follows :
- The original HTML code created by the user will no longer be updated by imicampaign with its tracked-link URLs on the UI. The tracked-link format will be applied behind the scenes after the deployment is activated. This enhancement will save a lot of time for clients who go through multiple reviews and updates of their email content before a deployment is activated.
This enhancement is only applicable to the New UI. After you have pasted your email content on the New UI Email channel node, please do not open this deployment on the Old UI WHAT tab. This may cause problems in automatic link tracking.
On the Deployment Canvas within the Email content node, the Link Tracking section will now have checkboxes where you can indicate your choice whether a particular link should be tracked by imicampaign or not. On the Old UI, you will need to manually enter the keyword ‘notrack’ within the HTML code if you wanted a particular link to be not tracked by imicampaign.
- On the Email Preview screen, the links are now clickable so that you can easily verify before activation that links within your email will indeed redirect to the correct destination. From the Preview screen. please use the Ctrl + Click command to open the destination URL webpage for any link on a new browser tab.
1.14 Email Channel – Google Analytics UTM tags
In Release 5.9, for Email channel deployments, we have introduced a new optional node for the Google Analytics UTM tags. This will allow you to (optionally) specify whether links within your email should be automatically suffixed with UTM tags and specify the format of the 3 most commonly used UTM tags, viz. UTM Source, UTM Medium & UTM Campaign.
1.15 Upload a file into a Datastore from your workstation
In Release 5.9, We have made it easier to upload a file from your local PC to populate a Datastore. Previously, you could only use SFTP, AWS S3, or Remote Databases to ingest data into a Datastore.
With this enhancement, you will be able to quickly create a Datastore and upload data into it if you have the data available on your local workstation (PC / Mac). You can then use that Datastore for building Customer Audience Segments without any need to configure SFTP locations or Remote Databases.
While adding a new Datastore, you will now see a new option to add “From File”.
Here’s how this feature will work in short :
- You will need to load a sample file while adding a new Datastore. This sample file will be used to identify and define the Datastore columns and their datatypes. You can edit these imputed values and define further configurations such as Encryption for the Datastore columns, as needed.
- After adding the Datastore, you can use the “Import File” option from the 3-dot menu to upload data using the file, one or more times, into the Datastore.
- Optionally, you can click on the “View Report” option from the 3-dot menu. This will open the “Datastore Load Report” where you will be able to see the status of data loads into the specific Datastore. Only data for the last 7 days is shown by default in the Datastore Load Report.
1.16 New in Release 6.0: Auto Generation of Email Tests: Generate PDF copies
- You will now have the option of generating PDF copies of your conditional test variants instead of sending test emails.
- This is a tenant-specific feature. Please contact your imimobile Customer Success team if you would like this feature enabled for you.
- In Step 2 of the process, if you choose ‘Generate PDF copies’ as the method of ‘Test Emails Verification’, the router and the test contacts dropdowns will be greyed out.
You will be sent an email notification when the backend process is completed, and the PDF copies are ready to be downloaded from the UI.
Button #4 Download PDF Copies of Test Emails will be enabled on the Preview Screen.
On clicking Button 4, PDF copies will be downloaded as a zipped folder with individual PDF files.
The PDF files will contain the Sender ID and Subject along with the personalized test variant content.
1.17 New in Release 6.0: App Push Channel Deployments
With this release, you can now configure App Push Channel deployments on the New UI.
In order to simplify the process, now you can import the ‘App assets’ created in imiconnect into imicampaign. Previously, you had to create these ‘App assets’ in imicampaign a second time. ( Assets >> Apps). You will be able to see the list of App assets created in the associated imiconnect tenant on the import pop-up.
You can select one or more apps to import and those apps will be visible in the ‘App Assets’ screen after a successful import.
You will be able to edit the configurations and parameters in the imported App using “Edit Configurations”. You can also remove the App from the App Assets list by using “Remove App” action.
We have also made improvements behind the scenes for the App Push channel whereby a separate ‘Service’ is no longer created in imiconnect corresponding to each App Push deployment within imicampaign.
1.18 New in Release 6.0: External Action Channel Deployments
With this release, you can now configure External Action deployments on the New UI for MarTech Integration purposes.
You can configure the Ext Action (API) endpoint and parameters here: Administration >> External Actions
And then configure the Action Settings:
Ext. Action Deployment Creation:
a) Create a deployment and select ‘Content Type’ as API in Step 2
b) Select ‘Ext Action’ channel in Step 3.
c) On the Deployment Canvas screen, you will have the option to either choose an existing TG or use Segment Builder to create a Target Group.
Click on the ‘+Add’ button for Parameters Configuration.
1.19 New in Release 6.0: File Transfer Channel Deployments
With this release, you can now configure File Transfer channel deployments on the New UI for MarTech Integration purposes.
After selecting the File channel node, you can view / edit the list of headers within the file. This is where you also configure the File Name and the SFTP.
1.20 New in Release 6.0: Facebook Custom Audiences Channel Deployments
With this release, you can now configure Facebook Custom Audiences channel deployments on the New UI for MarTech Integration purposes.
Click on the ‘+Add’ button for Parameters Configuration, where you can define a new Facebook Custom Audience or choose to upload the TG to an existing Custom Audience.
1.21 New in Release 6.0: Deployment Approvals
If a user does not have the permission to approve their own deployment, then they will see a ‘Send for Approval’ button (instead of the ‘Activate’ button).
The ‘Deployment Creator’ will then be able to designate ‘Individual Approvers’ or ‘Approval Teams’ for approving the deployment.
Once a deployment is sent for approval, the designated approvers will then be able to access it from the ‘Approval Management’ screen.
On clicking the deployment name, the approver will be taken to the deployment summary screen to review, where they can approve or reject the deployment as appropriate.
The ‘Approval Log’ will be available to view on the Deployment Summary screen.
1.22 New in Release 6.0: Instant Deployment : 'Send Test Message' in Draft state
You will now be able to test the message copy for Event-triggered and MO-triggered Instant Deployments while they are in ‘Draft’ state.
On clicking ‘Send Test SMS’ button, you will be asked to select pre-existing test contacts and SMS router and be able to send the test SMS
1.23 What’s not yet available on the New UI in this 6.0 release
In the upcoming releases 6.0.1 and 6.1 during 2021 Q3/Q4, we will introduce most of the remaining features of imicampaign on the New UI. e.g.
Campaign Manager module:
- Email Channel: AMP Interactive Emails
- Voice (Outbound Dialler) channel deployments
- USSD Channel deployments
Profile Manager module:
- Linked Profile definition
2.0 Profile Manager Module on the New UI
With this release, most of the features of the Profile Manager module are now available on the New UI. The following screenshots provide a glimpse of some of these Profile Manager features.
2.1 Data Ingestion, ETL, and DataStores
These features are available under the ‘Data Management’ menu.
2.2 Profiles
The ‘Profile Definition’ feature is also available under the ‘Data Management’ menu.
2.3 Segment Builder
This feature is available under the ‘Profiles >> Segments’ menu.
3.0 Dashboard & Reports enhancements
3.1 SMS A/B Deployments: Variants’ content on the 'AB Deployment Details' screen
You will now be able to see the SMS content for each A/B variant on the ‘Deployment Details’ screen.
4.0 Drag-&-Drop Landing Page Composer (Beta)
With this release, we are excited to introduce our Drag-&-Drop Landing Page Composer, which is available under the ‘Campaigns >> Landing Pages’ menu. As this feature is still in ‘Beta’, you may encounter some minor issues; please provide your feedback to the imimobile Customer Success team.
Using the Landing Page Composer, you will be able to design landing pages with ‘Form Elements’ which can capture information submitted by your customers.
The ‘Form Elements’ can be included within 1-Column and 2-Column Structure layouts.
Currently, the following form-elements are available :
• Short Text Box
• Long Text Box
• Dropdown
• Radio Button Group
• Checkbox Group
• Submit Button
After dropping a form-element within a Container, when you select it within the design canvas, you will see the settings for that form-element on the right side in the Style Palette (‘Building Block’ tab).
Please refer to the online documentation for more details about the usage of the Landing Page composer and settings available for each form-element.
The information submitted by your customers on the landing page will be securely stored in an imicampaign database. This can be made available to you by our Professional Services team as a data-feed over SFTP. Please contact your imimobile Customer Success team for more details.
We are looking at the possibility of making this data-feed available as a more standardized out-of-the-box report; this is on our product roadmap for 2022.
5.0 Drag-&-Drop Email Composer enhancements
5.1 Conditional Block: 'OR' within multiple conditions in a single ELSE IF
We have introduced a new setting in the Conditional block which will allow you to add ‘OR’ operation between 2 sets of condition. You can now create expressions such as (Condition1 AND Condition2) OR (Condition3 AND Condition4) within a single ELSEIF Condition.
You can only add one ‘OR’ condition within an ELSEIF condition.
5.2 Show / Hide 1-Column-Flexi Structure on Mobile / Desktop devices
We have introduced a new setting for the 1-Column Flexi Structure which will allow you to hide the Structure on Mobile or Desktop or both devices.
This setting will enable you to design email templates where you may want to hide a specific Structure on Mobile devices and show it only on Desktop devices (or vice versa).
The blocks Button, Button 100%, and Social Follow added in 1CF structure do not respect Padding property when Show only on Mobile property is enabled. The Padding is applied for Android & iOS Outlook apps and will not be applied on Android & iOS Gmail Apps & Native App.
This setting will be available in Style Palette when you click on the Structure label for 1-Column Structure.
5.3 Custom Fonts: Support for 2 fallback fonts
We have introduced a setting that will enable you to add a 2nd fallback font for a Custom font. This will be useful when your chosen 1st fallback font is not supported by certain email clients (e.g. Desktop Outlook email client supports fewer fonts compared to other email clients like Gmail).
6.0 Maintenance items in this release
As per the previously stated product transition strategy, most of these fixes and improvements are only applicable to the New UI. We are no longer applying routine fixes and improvements to the Old UI because it will be decommissioned soon after Release 6.1 around Nov / Dec 2021 timeframe.
# | Module | Change Type | Description |
1 | Campaign Manager | Deprecated in Rel 6.0: A/B Instant Deployments | [ A/B Instant Deployments ] : As previously communicated in the Release Notes of Release 5.9 in April 2021, after Release 6.0, we will be removing the capability to configure A/B Instant Deployments. The reason to deprecate this feature is that it is rarely being used by clients and it is adding unnecessary effort to the ongoing QA activities as well as making it harder to introduce other new features on the product roadmap. |
2 | Campaign Manager | Improved | [Email Conditional Content] : We have enhanced the backend processing logic to support up to 120 conditions in the email HTML content. [ PRB0045283 / INC11003650 / CMPN-12192 ] |
3 | Campaign Manager | Improved | [Email Instant Deployments ] : For a better UX on the imicampaign New UI, in case of Event-triggered Instant Deployments, the user will only be shown Amazon SES 1-to-1 routers and Sender-IDs associated with 1-to-1 routers [ PRB0045388 / INC11101277 / CMPN-12344 ] |
4 | Campaign Manager | Improved | [Email channel : Preview & Testing] : For the ‘Auto-generation of test cases for email conditional content’ feature, the downloaded file in 'Step 3' is now named as "_". Previously this file was named by concatenating the TG-IDs of all the attached TGs.[ INC10882844 / CMPN-11783 ] |
5 | Campaign Manager | Improved | [Target Group Splitter] : The ‘TG Splitter’ feature now supports the ability to pick up Dynamic TG files placed in subfolders within an SFTP home folder. [ PRB0045313 / INC11075537 / CMPN-11982 ] |
6 | Campaign Manager | Fixed | Fixed a bug whereby , under certain conditions, recurring deployments were not properly completing for clients who are in non-GMT time-zones. [ PRB0045035 / INC10857654 / CMPN-11550 / CMPN-11938 ] |
7 | Campaign Manager | Fixed | [Deployment Approvals with Pause / Resume ] : Fixed a bug whereby , under certain conditions, deployments were not completing when they were sent for approval , then paused and schedule changes were made. [ PRB0045398 / INC11156182 / CMPN-12570 ] |
8 | Campaign Manager | Fixed | [Target Group Splitter ] : Fixed a bug whereby, under certain conditions, previously set up TG-Splitter configurations were getting inactivated after connectivity to the SFTP failed. [ PRB0045602 / INC11197776 / CMPN-12645 ] |
9 | Campaign Manager | Fixed | [ Target Group Splitter ] : Fixed a bug whereby, under certain conditions, the TG-Splitter feature was not working properly for some SFTP sources. [ PRB0045447 / INC11192080 / CMPN-12520 ] |
10 | Campaign Manager | Fixed | [ Target Group Splitter ] : Fixed a bug whereby, under certain conditions, the split output child TGs produced by the TG-Splitter feature were encrypting data even though the user had appropriate permissions to view data in unencrypted forma [ PRB0041984 / INC9078896 / CMPN-11996 ] |
11 | Campaign Manager | Fixed | [ Administration >> Config Management >> SFTP Config] : Fixed a bug, whereby the password change for the SFTP was not being reflected until after an application restart from the backend. [ PRB0045460 / INC11180329 / CMPN-12545 ] |
12 | Campaign Manager | Fixed | [imiconnect channel interface] : Fixed a bug whereby, under certain conditions, the system was slowing down when using the imiconnect SMS gateway. [ PRB0044241 / CMPN-12231 ] |
13 | Campaign Manager | Fixed | [A/B Deployments] : Fixed a bug whereby, under certain conditions, the UI was not rendering properly when the user de-selected A/B variants while setting up a follow-up deployment on the A/B parent deployment. [ PRB0045176 / INC10951871 / CMPN-12098 ] |
14 | Campaign Manager | Fixed | [MMS] : Fixed a bug whereby, under certain conditions, the MMS template composer UI was freezing when the MMS content size was more than 16 KB. [ PRB0045559 / INC11196984 / CMPN-12773 ] |
15 | Campaign Manager | Fixed | [ Campaign List] : Fixed a bug whereby, under certain conditions, the ‘Reference ID’ filter on the Campaign List screen was not working correctly. [ PRB0045656 / INC11320462 / CMPN-13016 ] |
16 | Dashboard | Improved | We have made some performance improvements behind-the-scenes for improving the speed of loading of the Dashboard screens. [ PRB0045468 / INC11209414 / CMPN-12680 ] |
17 | Email Composer | Improved | [Email Composer : Link configuration Pop-up] : Added a note to clarify that the user should add the ‘underline’ style first and then the URL link should be specified for the text. This sequence of actions is necessary to reduce the possibility of the text not rendering correctly in the Outlook Desktop email client. [ PRB0044161 ] |
18 | Email Composer | Improved | [Conditional Content] : Now Email Composer supports up to 120 conditions within an Email Message Template. (Previously this was limited to 80). Note that for a specific If-Elseif Conditional Block, the limit of 15 remains unchanged (i.e. 1 If condition and up to 14 Elseif conditions). [ PRB0045283 / INC11003650 / CMPN-12192 ] |
19 | Email Composer | Fixed | [Email Composer : HTML Block ] : Fixed a bug whereby the code generated by the Email Composer for the HTML block was adding an extra unnecessary ‘Style tag’ when an existing email template is edited [ PRB0045467 / INC11210449 / CMPN-12594 ] |
20 | Profile Manager | Improved | [ Profile Manager API] : We have made some performance improvements for Profile Manager APIs when using the ‘Delete Profiles using criteria’. [ PRB0045518 / INC11240171 / CMPN-12758 ] |
21 | Profile Manager | Improved | [ Data Management >> Data Exchange ] : The ‘Copy Suffix’ has now been made optional. This enhancement is only applicable to the New UI. [ PRB0045381 / INC11020372 / CMPN-12369 ] |
22 | Profile Manager | Improved | [ Datastore-to-Profile Mapping ] : Clarified how ‘Enable / Disable Flush’ feature works. Now the user is given a clear warning that once they select the ‘Enable Flush’ option, then they cannot disable this option afterwards. [ PRB0043690 / INC10148825 / CMPN-11936 ] |
23 | Profile Manager | Fixed | [ Profile Definition ] : Fixed a bug in the feature to ‘Disable / Enable Flush before Loading’ . [ PRB0043690 / INC10148825 ] |
24 | Profile Manager | Fixed | [ Data Administration >> SFTP connection ] : Fixed a bug whereby, the password change made on the SFTP connection was not being reflected correctly in the Data Exchange application. [PRB0045433 / INC11173755 / CMPN-12681] |
7.0 Need more information?
Please contact your Cisco/imimobile account manager if you have questions or would like access to a new feature.
Cisco Webex technical support team can be contacted at any time by phone or email:
- Europe / Middle East / Africa:
- Phone: +44 (0) 1494 750 600
- Email: [email protected]
- North America:
- Phone: +1-855-324-0970
- Email: [email protected]